Events in Medical History

  • Jan 1, 1249

    Spectacles invented

    Spectacles invented
    invented byRoger Bacon
  • Sep 30, 1487

    Dissection used to draw the human body

    Dissection used to draw the human body
    Done by Leonardo da Vinci
  • The Mcroscope is invented

    The Mcroscope  is invented
    Invented by Zacharius Jannssen
  • Circulation of blood to and from the heart described

    Circulation of blood to and from the heart described
    Described by Willaim Harvey
  • Blood Cells Discovered for the first time

    Blood Cells Discovered for the first time
    Anton van Leeuwenhoek discovers blood cells
  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    Lasted from April 19th 1175- October of 1781
  • Small Pox Vaccine Developed

    Small Pox Vaccine  Developed
    Developed by Edward Jenner
  • First Public health care agency established

    First Public health care agency established
    The Marine Health Service was established as the nation's first public health agency
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Today that area comprises some 15 states, including all of Oklahoma, Nebraska, Iowa, Arkansas, Kansas and Missouri. Jefferson
  • The stethoscope is invented

    The stethoscope is invented
    Invented by Rene Laennec
  • First successful transfusion of human blood

    First successful transfusion of human blood
    Preformed by James Blundell
  • First female to qualify as a doctor

    First female to qualify as a doctor
    Elizabeth Blackwell was the first female doctor
  • Disinfectectants and Anteseptics used for the first in surgery

    Disinfectectants and Anteseptics used for the first in surgery
    First done by Joesph Lister
  • United states civil war

    United states civil war
    The brutal war between the northern and souther united states 1861-1865
  • Abraham Lincoln Assassination

    Abraham Lincoln Assassination
    Killed by John Wilkes Booth
  • American Red Cross founded

    American Red Cross founded
    Founded by Clara Barton
  • Cause of Tuberculosis found

    Cause of Tuberculosis found
    Robert Koch identified the tubercle bacillus as the cause of tuberculosis
  • Contact lenses invented

    Contact lenses invented
    First contact lenses developed
  • Tetanus Vaccine developed

    Tetanus Vaccine developed
    Emil von Behring developed the Teatnus Vaccine
  • Diphtheria vaccine developed

    Diphtheria vaccine developed
    Emil von Behring discovered the diphtheria vaccine
  • Discovery of X-rays

    Discovery of X-rays
    Wilhelm Röntgen discovered how to x-ray in 1895
  • First Vaccine develped to combat the Bubonic plague

    First Vaccine develped to combat the Bubonic plague
  • Aspirin develped

    Aspirin develped
    Develpoed by Felix Hoffman
  • Different blood types discovered

    Different blood types discovered
    Discovered by Karl Landsteiner
  • Radium Isolated

    Radium Isolated
    Isolated by Marie Curie
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    Began July 28th 1914 Ended November 11th 1918
  • Penicillin Discovered

    Penicillin Discovered
    Discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming by accident
  • Rh factor discovered within blood cells

    Rh factor discovered within blood cells
    Discovered by Karl Landsteiner
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    Started September 1st 1939 -1945
  • Polio Vacine Developed

    Polio Vacine Developed
    Discovered by Jonas Stalk, first announced to the public on April 12th 1955
  • First open heart surgery

    First open heart surgery
    Dr. Walton Lillehei and Dr. John Lewis preformed the first attempt at open heart surgery
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    November 1st 1955- 1975
  • Assisination of John F Kennedy

    Assisination of John F Kennedy
    Occured in Dallas Texas
  • First heart transplant

    First heart transplant
    Some time in decemeber of 1967 Dr. Christiaan Barnard preformed the first heart transplant
  • America set foot on the moon for the first time

    America set foot on the moon for the first time
    The usa sets foot on the moon for the first time
  • First child born from IVF

    First child born from IVF
    Louise Brown was the first "test tube" ever born.
  • HIV is identified

    HIV is identified
    HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is identified
  • First clone ever done

    First clone ever done
    A sheep cloned by Professor Ian Wilmut of the Edinburgh-based Roslin Institute
  • 9-11

    Planes crashed into the twin towers and the pentagon
  • Smallpox identified

    Smallpox identified
    Persian physician Rhazes identifies smallpox