Events in Chinese Literature

  • 1400 BCE


    earliest evidence of Chinese writing is found on Shang oracle bones. Oracle bones are pieces of ox scapula or turtle plastron, which were used for pyromancy in ancient China.
  • 900 BCE

    A.D. 800

    song lyrics sung by women entertainers became a major poetic form. Diamond Sutra, the first book with a printed date, is published.
  • 700 BCE

    A.D. 400

    many important writers/philosophers were born. Birth of Wang Wei, painter and poet. Birth of LiPo and birth of TuFu.
  • 690 BCE

    A.D. 400

    A.D. 400
    poetry writing is included in the civil service examination. The system continued to play a major role, not only in education and government, but also in society itself.
  • 551 BCE


    Confucius teaches about ethical values such as honesty, loyalty, and respect for elders. Confucius viewed the Chou dynasty culture as a model society.
  • 500 BCE


    lao-tzu, legendary founder of Taoism, develpos teachings of Tao Te Ching. The Shih Ching (book of odes), the first anthology of Chinese poetry, is complied.
  • 330 BCE

    400 B.C.

    400 B.C.
    Taoist philosopher CHuang Tzu writes the Chuang Tzu. Ssu-ma Ch'ien writes Records of the Historian, a history of China through Wu Ti's reing.
  • 100 BCE

    A.D. 1

    A.D. 1
    the first Chinese dictionary is compiled. Pan Ku writes History of the former Han Dynasty.