Anne Frank was born.
Anne Frank was born to Otto and Edith Frank in Frankfurt, Germany (BBC, 2012). Events were retrieved on October 24, 2012 from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/annefrank/timeline.shtml -
Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany.
(BBC, 2012) -
The first concentration camp opens.
The first concentration camp opens in Germany at Dachau (near Munich). -
The Enabling Act
Hitler is given powers to rule by decree by the Reichstag (BBC, 2012). -
Frank family moves to Holland. (Summer of 1933)
In order to escape the growing persecution in Germany, the Frank family moved to Holland (BBC, 2012). -
Germany invades Poland.
In defiance of an Anglo-French ultimatum, Germany invades Poland (BBC, 2012). -
World War II begins.
Britain and France declare war on Germany. -
Germany invades Netherlands, Belgium and France.
(BBC, 2012) -
Anne receives a diary for her 13th birthday.
(BBC, 2012) -
Margot Frank receives call from the Nazis.
Margot received a call from the Nazis to return to Germany to work in a labor camp (BBC, 2012). -
The Frank family goes into hiding.
The Frank family goes into hiding in the Secret Annex above Otto's offices (BBC, 2012). One week later, the Van Pels family, also known as the Van Daan family in her diary, joined them (BBC, 2012). -
Dentist Fritz Pfeffer joins the Frank family.
Fritz Pfeffer, also known as Albert Dussel in her diary, joins the Frank family in hiding (BBC, 2012). -
Annex is raided by secret police.
Everyone in the annex is arrested and sent to the Westerbrook transit camp (BBC, 2012). -
Transported to the concentration camp.
Everyone is transported to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp (BBC, 2012). -
Anne is transported again.
Anne Frank and her sister, Margot, are transported from Auschwitz-Birkenau to the Bergen Belsen concentration camp (BBC, 2012). (End of October) -
Anne and Margot die of typhus.
(BBC, 2012)
(March 1945) -
World War II ends.
Germany surrenders to end World War II in Europe (BBC, 2012). Miep Gies saved Anne's diary during the raid for Otto Frank, the only person of the Secret Annex to survive (BBC, 2012). -
Anne's Diary gets published.
Her diary is first published in Dutch, and then goes on to be translated into 50 languages (BBC, 2012). It is one of the most popular books throughout the world (BBC, 2012).