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events from 1,000-1,100

  • Period: Jan 1, 1000 to Dec 31, 1099

    Events From The Year 1,000-1,099

  • Sep 9, 1000

    Battle of Svolder, Viking Age.

  • Nov 13, 1002

    English king Ethelred II launches massacre of Danish settlers

  • Feb 21, 1044

    Hardicanute, king of England dies of alcohol poisoning, ending Danish rule of the island. Edward the Confessor, son of Aethelred II, becomes king of England. Edward is forced to flee to Normandy. Earl Godwin and his sons control England. From 1042-1066 th

  • Feb 21, 1064

    Harold shipwrecked in Normandy. Duke William the Bastard of Normandy takes him into his fortress as a "guest." Under duress, Harold swears on relics of a saint to support Duke William's claim to the throne of England. (Apparently, Edward the Confessor had

  • Feb 21, 1065

    Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV takes the throne as an adult. His mother Agnes steps down. Henry rules the Empire until 1106.

  • Jan 24, 1066

    Harold II (Harold Godwinson) is crowned king by the Anglo-Saxon nobles the day after Edward the Confessor dies.Tostig and Harold Hardraadi of Norway invade the northern regions of England hoping to seize the country before Harold II can consolidate his po

  • Apr 5, 1073

    Gregory VII (Hildebrand of Soana) becomes Pope until 1085. He will be one of the most dynamic popes during the medieval period, and will make important precedents for establishing the supremacy of the papacy over secular rule.

  • May 23, 1076

    At the Synod of Worms, bishops loyal to Henry IV declare Pope Gregory deposed.

  • Jan 4, 1077

    Henry IV's position has become untenable as his subjects abandon him or rebel against him. He goes to Pope Gregory at Canossa, putting on sackcloth and ashes, and stands for three days in the snow outside the pope's quarters as a sign of penitence. After

  • Jan 31, 1083

    Henry IV storms Rome.

  • Jan 24, 1084

    Duke Robert Guiscard of Paulia drives Henry IV back into Germany.

  • Sep 20, 1086

    The Domesday Book is completed in England--a vast, comprehensive survey of natural resources, properties, and agriculture. Its purpose is to provide William the Conqueror with an accurate census of his holdings so that he may more efficiently extract taxe

  • Apr 12, 1099

    Crusaders capture Jerusalem. Godfrey of Bouillon is elected King of the city of Jerusalem.