Events during and before the War of 1812

  • Washington's Proclomation of Neutrality

    This proclamation was written in response to the war's spread in Europe. The Proclamation warned Americans that the government would arrest them if they disobeyed the law.
  • Jay Treaty

    This was an agreement by the U.S and Great Britain which helped avoid war between these two nations. This would help avoid disputes between them and allow them to still trade.
  • Washington's Farewell

    This was for Washington to warn the people to avoid political partied and remain neutral in any disputes between nations.
  • Chesapeake-Leopard Affair

    When a British Commander wanted to search a bonded ship, commodore James Barron refused that permission. This resulted in them fighting, three Americans being killed, and eighteen being wounded.
  • Embargo Act 1807

    This is when America stopped trading with Britain and France because they kept kidnapping their sailors. This had an effect on the Americans more than it did on both countries that were at war.
  • Tecumseh before the war of 1812

    Chief Tecumseh tried to get a group of Native Americans and settlers to fight against the white settlers.
  • Impressment of sailors

    This was when Britain imprisoned more than 15,000 sailors due to America helping both France and Britain in war but not helping Britain fight the war against France.
  • War Hawks

    This was a group of Republican Congressmen who wanted America to declare war against Britain, invade British Canada, and make Spain leave Florida.
  • Tecumseh during the war of 1812

    Tecumseh and its colony joined together with the British to fight against the U.S. in the War of 1812.
  • War of 1812 Begins

    This war was between U.S and Britain in which they fought for land and trade. Not only that but the war progressed so far that it reached far out on seas and many parts of different lands.
  • Hartford Convention

    This was a secret meeting of Federalist delegates in which they met to make a declaration that said that they would protect New England and would help supply financial aid to England.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    This treaty was the end of the War of 1812 in which it stated any land conquered would be returned and settle a boundary against Canada and the U.S.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    This was the final and last war of the War of 1812 in which America and Britain fought for the land of New Orleans. This battle was unnecessary of course since the Treaty of Ghent was signed two weeks earlier.