Aug 3, 1492
Christopher Columbus Arrives to the Americas
When Christopher Columbus got back from the Americas is when everything started. All of Europe's countries were making plans to secure land in the New Americas. -
The Roanoke Colony is Founded
The British founded Roanoke with Sir. Walter Raleigh leading the charge across the Atlantic. The goal was to harass the Spanish ships and to turn Indians Christian. This encounter was the beginning to many bloody encounters between the British and the English. -
The First Slave Was Sold In Jamestown, Jamestown Has First Freely Elected Assembly
The first sale of the first slave was a big deal because over time there will eventually be hundreds of thousands of slaves in North America. Even though slavery was terrible, it did help America grow fast. Jamestown established the first laws in the colony. -
Jamestown Settlement is Established
Jamestown became the British's first permanent colony in North America. This first colonization leads to many wars between its own people and other countries. -
Henry Hudson's Exploration
Henry Hudson was intending to find a faster passageway to Asia, but instead, he found the Hudson Bay and New York. Henry Hudson helped the Indians progress by trading with them for furs. -
John Rolfe Marries Pocahontas
John Rolfe a englishmen marries the daughter of the chief of the Powhatan Indian tribe. This act ensured Jamestown and the Powhatan Indians' piece for many years. -
Plymouth Colony Is Founded
In England people who opposed the church could be killed, so people who did this fleed to the Americas on the famous Mayflower and created a colony. This is the start of religious freedom in North America. -
The Founding of Boston
Puritan colonists from England found Boston. The founding of Boston is because these puritans wanted religious freedom from the church. The founding of Boston is important because it plays a huge part in the Revolutionary War because of the harbors. -
Pequot War
The English and the Dutch-Pequots wanted control of the fur trade> This war went on for only 2 years with the Pequots nearly being wiped out completely. This had a significant impact for the Puritans because that was their last major obstacle. -
Rhode Island is Founded
Roger Williams is banished from the Massachusets colony then discovers Rhode island. This colony became the first colony to have complete religious freedom in the Americas. -
Fundamental Orders of Conneticut
The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut helped start the government by creating a better voting system. It also gave men more eligibility for elected positions. This is known as the first constitution. -
New Amsterdam Becomes New York
The Britsh attack New Amsterdam which is controlled by the Dutch. England's main objective is to acquire as much land as possible. Little battles break out because of territory which cause tension between the nations. New York also became the first colony to receive a royal charter. -
Quakers Arrive in New England
These Quakers practiced their religion and grew very quickly. The problem was the puritans hated them and would kill them, imprison them, and torture Quakers for even going to a gathering. Charles ll the king of England freed the Quakers in Boston from jail. Rhode Island became a base for the Quakers to plan their missions. -
The Province of Carolina is Created (Controlled by British)
The Province of Caroline is created for the sole purpose of stopping the Spaniards from progressing north. North Carolina acted as a wall for the British. -
King Philips's War
This war went on for 3 years with the New England British and the indigenous people of New England. This was the first big Indian War with thousands of Indians dying. The British were this war with the ending of the war coming to a treaty. -
Bacon's Rebellion
This rebellion was held in Virginia with the commander being Nathaniel Bacon. It was a rebel force against the British government in Virginia which came to an end with the rebel force taking control of the social order in Virginia. -
Massachusetts Revoked of Charter
Charles ll revokes Massachusetts charter because of the imposed religious qualifications you had to be voting. Charles ll set up an illegal mint. -
Spain Colonizes Texas
Spain colonized Texas to make Spain a richer country by taking the material such as gold from North America. They also tried to convert the Indians in Texas into Christians. The Spaniards acted as a buffer between the weather southern provinces. -
Queen Anne's War
This war was the second war of the French vs. the British. This fight took place for continental control over North America. British Colonies were getting raided by the French and their strong allies the Native Americans. This war lasted for 11 years with the British winning and earning more land north. -
Virginia Moves Their Capital to Williamsburg
Before this happened Virginia's capital was Jamestown, but Jamestown had a lack of clean water and a dry climate for fires to start easily. Since this was happening Virginia decided to move their capital to Williamsburg which became a central political town during the Revolutionary War. -
French and Indian War
Again this is a war between the British and the French, but this time the British had allied with Native Americans. This war was fought to see which country would be the dominant country in North America. British had to win because the settlements were becoming crowed and people needed to move west. The British won and took all the lands from France that resided in North America. -
The Stamp Act
The British Parliament passed a tax on all paper goods. Each of the papered goods had to have a stamp on them. This cause an uproar between colonists. This tax was used to help fund the military during the 7 years war. -
The Quartering Act
This was passed by the British Parliament so that British troops could have shelter anywhere they go. This sounds good, to begin with, but the troops could barge into a person's home and demand to stay. The owner of the house could do nothing or it would be against the law. This also sturred up many colonists. -
The Boston Massacre
Colonists where protesting and British soldiers opened fire killing 5 men in the process. This caused a rise of colonists to rise up against the British. -
Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party was a political protest by the Sons of Liberty because the British were unrightfully taxing the colonist. Tea is very important to the Britsh and quite expensive, so the protesters threw 342 chests of tea into the harbor