French and Indian War Ends
Treaty of Paris
Signed by Britain and France as the conclusion to the Seven Year War. Britian gained much French territory in North America, but both sides returned land that they had captured during the war. -
Proclamation Line of 1763
Issued by King George III following Britain's acquisition of French territory after the Seven Years' War, which drew a line forbidding all settlement past a line drawn along the Appalachian Mountains. -
The Stamp Act of 1765
The Quartering Act of 1765
Townshend Acts of 1767
Boston Massacre
Eight people were killed by a confused shooting. Debatable whether the Recoats were at fault or not. -
Tea Act of 1773
Placed a tax on tea coming from Great Britain. -
Boston Tea Party
A bunch of patriots dressed as Native Americans go on British ships and dumped 342 chests of tea into the water. -
Battle of Lexington
One of the first battles of the American Revolution. Marked the outbreak of military armed conflict between America and Great Britain. -
Period: to
Revolutionary War
Independence Declared
Declaration of Independence
Start of Articles of Confederation
Battle of Yorktown Start
Battle of Yorktown End
Ratification of the Constitution
Articles of Confederation End
Election for George Washington
no party -
First Bank of the U.S. Opened
Bank was created to help with massive Revoluntionary War debts. -
Adoption of the Bill of Rights
Period: to
XYZ Affair
The XYZ Affari was caused by the signing of Jay's Treaty, which resolved conflicts between Britain and America. France was infuriated as they thought that this violated several past treaties between America and France, and when America tried to send ambassadors they retaliated. America created the Department of Navy in response. Referred to as the Quasi-War. Treaty of Mortefontaine signed to end. -
John Adams Elected
Federalist -
Thomas Jefferson Elected
Republican -
Louisiana Purchase
James Madison Elected
Republican -
First Bank of the U.S. Closed
1 day before charter expires -
James Monroe Elected
Republican -
Adam-Onis Treaty
Missouri Compromise
Missouri wanted to be a slave state, but that would upset the balance of slave and free states, so the South threatened to secede if Missouri wasn't added. After debating for 2 years, the government compromised and added Missouri as a slave state, Maine as a free state, and slavery illegal in Louisiana Purchase area above 30° 36' with the exception of Missouri. -
Andrew Jackson Elected
Republican -
Beginning of Andrew Jackson Presidency
Period: to
Andrew Jackson Presidency
Indian Removal Act
Period: to
American Anti-slavery Society
William Lloyd Garrison and Arthur Tappan were the founders of this organization. Their goal was to end slavery. Moral suasion, or an appeal to morality, was a tactic often used by this group. Slavery supporters often targeted this group. -
Burning of Abolitionist Literature
Charlestown, South Carolina. Much of this literature was distributed by the anti-slavery society. -
Gag Rule
Silenced anti-slavery campaigns. Letters were still send to Congress. Was taken down in 1844. -
End of Andrew Jackson Presidency
Burning of Pennsylvania Hall
Four days after it opened to all people of all races, genders, cultures, and beliefs, it burned down. Was a location of quite a few abolitionist meetings. -
Texas Annexation
Beginning of James Polk Presidency
Period: to
Mexican-American War
Oregon Treaty
Mexican Cession
End of James Pok Presidency
Compromise of 1850
Made California a free state, Utah and New Mexico territory to vote on whether or not they keep slaves, Ended slavery in teh capitol of the US -
Fugitive Slave Act
Required people with power to help people catch their escaped slaves, and also didn't allow slaves to prove their freedom when captured. Infuriated abolitionists. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Second highest selling book of the 19th century, converted a lot of people to abolitionists. Made southerners furious. -
Gadsden Purchase
Period: to
Bleeding Kansas
To make teh vot go one way or another, people moved to Kansas. Disagreement led to violence, and more than 200 people died. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Repealed the Missouri Compromise Line and allowed people to vote on slavery in the Kansas and Nebraska Territories. -
Dred Scott Decision
Dred Scott sued for his freedom becuase his master had taken him into free territory. The Supreme Court ruled agaisnt him, stating that African Americans (slaves and their descendants) could not become aAmerican citizens, and that Congress had no right to decide if states shold ahve slaves or not. -
John Brown's Raid
John Brown and 21/22 others raided Harper's Ferry, Virginia. Held improtant leaders hostage. Within 24 hours, he was captred and tried for treason adn murder and was hanged. -
Election of Abraham Lincoln.
Was opposed by slave states, thought he would abolish slavery. -
Period: to
OVer fears taht Lincoln would end slavery, many southern satates seceded to become a new country. In 1860 South Carolina seceded, followed by Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee. -
Fort Sumter
Lincoln declared that no state is allowed to leave the country but that he woudln't start a war. Southerners started to take control of forts and such. Confederates attacked Fort Sumpter and started the Civil War