Events Affecting the Work Place

By skemper
  • Compaq introduces the first foldable notebook computer

    Compaq introduces the first foldable notebook computer. This invention users to work from anywhere and allowed for work to be completed outside of the office and typical office hours.
  • University of Phoenix

    The University of Phoenix offers the first all online campus which allows for working individuals to advance their education. The online program offered shorter time frames for degree completion, online course and workplace oriented needs.
  • Immigration and Nationality Act of 1990

    The Immigration and Nationality act of 1990 was developed as a way of encouraging skilled and non-skilled workers to replenish the working class numbers. As a result, a significant number of skilled and non-skilled workers entered the United States work force offering both positive and negative outcomes.
  • Mozilla 1.0 - first web-browser

    Mozilla 1.0 was the first web browser introduced. It offered several features that proved to be valuable tools within the workplace such as web browsing, chat boxes and a host of other applications.
  • iPhone introduced

    In 2007, Apple introduces the first iPhone which has become a necessary tool for many individuals in the workplace. The iPhone allows the individual immediate access to email, calendars, online meetings and documents. This technology advancement has allowed the individual worker to complete work outside of the typicap work day.
  • Hillary Clinton Presidential campaign

    Women have been making their presence known for several years by making a significant impact on the workforce. Hillary Rodham Clinton has a history of balancing work and family and was one of the leaders to emerge as the potential Democratic nominee. Although she did not go on to win the Democratic nomination she is the first women to achieve this type of recognition further paving the way for future women with a desire to lead.
  • 2008 Recession

    The 2008 recession began in 2007 as the result of a subprime mortgage crisis. This recession created a multitude of problems and prompted multiple stimulus packages and the development of the Trouble Asset Relief Program program. This recession had lasting affects on all types of business including banks and automakers. Tax cuts, and incentives to address energy needs, healthcare and infrastructure were included in stimulus packages which affected the direction and policy of the workplace.
  • iPad introduced

    The introduction of the iPad allowed for yet another way to "get work done." The device is easily portable and offers a innovative way to respond to emails, create documents and offered an extension of the services allowed by the iPhone.
  • 9/11

    The events of 9/11 prompted a host of changes within the workplace. Immediate changes were notable within the financial markets and increased security at all levels. Long term affects such as, reestablishing the energy debate, and immigration reforms were just a few of the political impacts that affected the workplace. 9/11 also affected various aspects of the American culture prompting differences in willingness to take risks, thoughts about security, priorities and diversifying savings.