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Event of the cold war

  • Period: 1 CE to 30

    Vietnam war

    Escaping from bombs. The naked girls running is Thi Kim Phuc. At that time she was 9 years old. Although she had the body burned by napalm, she survived.
  • 6

    The nuclear Race (Mad)

    The nuclear Race (Mad)
    An American nuclear test on the Enewetak atoll
  • 13

    The Berlin wall

    The Berlin wall
    On the other side of the wall, the Brandenburg Gate
  • 16

    The cuban missile crisis

    The cuban missile crisis
    An American military airplane flying over a Russian mercant ship heading to Cuba
  • 21

    The invasion of Czechoslovakia

    The invasion of Czechoslovakia
    Some citizens wave the flag of Czechoslovakia before a Russian tank on fire
  • 23

    The hungarian Uprising

    The hungarian Uprising
    Soviet tanks on the streets of Budapest
  • 24

    The berlin blockade

    The berlin blockade
    Berliners watching an airplane that comes to break the blockade
  • 25

    The invasion of Afghanistan

    The invasion of Afghanistan
    Soviet toops returning from Afghanistan
  • 30

    The greek civil war

    The greek civil war
    Member of the National Liberation front; the main tendency was communist.