My Birth
I was born at 12:01 am on May 8, 2002. My parents named me Evan Patrick Yarbrough. I was born at Pitt Memorial Hospital in Greenville, North Carolina. The hospital is now called Vident Medical Center. My birth weight was 9 pounds and 4 ounces. -
Peachtree Pre-School
I was 3 years old when I attended Peachtree Pre-School with my brother Jackson. I made lots of new friends. My teachers took us on many field trips. My favorite was Jungle Rapids Water Park. We would also go roller skating at the Galaxy. -
The USS North Carolina
When I was 5 we went to Wilmington. While we were there we went on the battleship USS North Carolina. It was huge. There were lots of big guns and an airplane on it. We saw a Ghost Hunters episode on TV showing the battleship. It is supposed to be haunted by the men killed on the ship in World War II. After we left the ship we went to the beach and swam in the ocean. -
Kindergarten at LaGrange Elementary
I attended Kindergarten at LaGrange Elementary School. My teacher was Ms. Wallace. She had been my oldest brother's 1st grade teacher. Ms. Wallace as very nice. I learned a lot in Kindergarten. My favorite class was PE. -
Riding a bike
I was not good the first time I rode a bike. I fell off and got scraped on my hands and knees. I kept on trying. I finally did it when I was at Baytree Lakes. I was riding at this little circle road where there were no cars. It took several tries but finally learned how to get up to speed. In the picture I was 5 and got my first bike for my birthday. -
When I was 9 I went to Charlotte. We were going to visit my cousins Kaitlin, Emily, and Olivia. We had a 4 hour drive to Charlotte from our house. We went to Carowinds and rode roller coasters and other rides. We also went to the water park where they had big water slides and a wave pool. It was awesome. -
5th Grade Graduation
Last year I graduated from 5th grade at LaGrange Elementary after being at Contentnea-Savannah for 4 years. We had to learn a song and sing all 50 states in alphabetical order. We practiced the song so many times I still remeber it. It was cool to graduate 5th grade. It was also cool that my mom passed out the diplomas.