
Evan's Church History Timeline

  • 500

    The beginning of the split

    The beginning of the split
    The east and west begins the process of splitting apart.
  • Jan 30, 717

    Preaching to the savages

    Preaching to the savages
    The monk Willibrord became the first one to preach to the vikings.
  • Period: Feb 3, 1000 to Feb 3, 1212

    The reconquest

    During this time period was the reconquest of Spain from the Muslims.
  • Jul 1, 1054

    The great schism!

    The great schism!
    The East and West reached a breaking point when Cardinal Humbert slammed the bull of excommunication on the Hagia Sofia.
  • Feb 3, 1095

    The First Crusades

    The First Crusades
    Pope Urban II declared a "Holy war" to regain the holy lands.
  • Feb 3, 1099

    The recapture of Jerusalem

    The recapture of Jerusalem
    French and Itialian Crusaders recaptured Jerusalem.
  • Period: Feb 3, 1100 to Feb 3, 1200

    The time of education

    During this period much education arose in Europe.
  • Feb 3, 1140

    Construction of a church

    Construction of a church
    The church of Saint Dennis was constructed by an unknown artist.
  • Feb 5, 1205

    Another new order

    Another new order
    Saint dominic founded the Dominicans
  • Feb 5, 1209

    A new order

    A new order
    Saint Frances founds the francescan order.
  • Aug 5, 1294

    Another pope

    Another pope
    Celestine V is elected
  • Dec 5, 1294

    or not

    or not
    Celestine V is reassigned
  • Feb 5, 1295

    Another new pope Yay!

    Another new pope Yay!
    Boniface VIII is elected....and then dies
  • Feb 5, 1305

    A false pope

    A false pope
    Clement V is elected, but refuses to go to rome
  • Period: Feb 5, 1347 to Feb 5, 1350

    A black Death

    During this time the bubonic plague struck and many christians deemed it to be gods punishment for the western Schism.
  • Feb 5, 1371

    More popes!

    More popes!
    Gregory XI is elected pope
  • Feb 5, 1377

    Back home

    Back home
    Gregroy XI returns to Rome after several avignon popes.
  • Feb 5, 1378

    Two popes at once!

    Two popes at once!
    Clement Vii and Pope Urban VI are both elected by different factions.
  • Period: Feb 5, 1378 to Feb 5, 1418

    Western Schism

    Much papacy power issues occur with mass confusion ensuing.
  • Feb 5, 1389

    Death to pope!

    Death to pope!
    Urban dies before a compromise is reached. Succeeded by Boniface IX
  • Feb 5, 1394

    Another dead pope

    Another dead pope
    Clement dies before a decision is made Succeeded by Benedict XIII
  • Feb 5, 1404

    That's one legit pope

    That's one legit pope
    Legit pope Innocent VII is elected
  • Feb 5, 1406

    Another legit pope!

    Another legit pope!
    Gregory XII is elected
  • Feb 5, 1409

    The pope tri force

    The pope tri force
    Alexander V is elected pope at the council of Pisa, now there is three popes! So much holiness!
  • Feb 5, 1410

    Tri fcrce dies

    Tri fcrce dies
    Alexander V dies, John XXIII takes his place
  • Period: Feb 5, 1414 to Feb 5, 1418


    The Western schism ends with the council of Constantine, all three popes are reassigned
  • Feb 5, 1418

    Finally! A cool pope!

    Finally! A cool pope!
    Schism ends with the election of Martin V
  • Gregory the Great is elected

    Gregory the Great is elected
    Pope gregory the great is elected as the Pope
  • A new King

    A new King
    Charles the great becomes the king of the Franks
  • Earning the favor

    Earning the favor
    Charles the Great earns the Popes favor
  • Europe becomes Christian

    Europe becomes Christian
    By the end of Charlemagnes rule in 814 the entirety of Europe was predominantely Christian.
  • A new pope

    A new pope
    In 936 Otto I became pope. Had major influence on the church by donating money and land, but was bad because he wanted influence on choosing the next pope.
  • Period: to Jan 2, 1000

    Bad boding for popes

    During this time period many popes were assassinated and many went mad with power. It was a bad time to be a pope