PRELIM - skills
It's very clear that through our PRELIM of Waterloo road that my skills were very poor. Back in December when the PRELIM was filmed, my skills in editing, creating and producing media products were very poor. This can be seen through the lighting, sound and the editing. -
PRELIM - pre-production
The pre-production of the PRELIM was very simple. Planning was not done in detail and there were no general ideas on storyboarding, mise en scene, lighting or editing. -
PRELIM - production
The production of the PRELIM was very short. It was filmed within the space of a few hours and filmed under pressure, which consisted in very bad shots, and bad lighting. The mise en scene is also very poor e.g. toy gun. -
PRELIM - post-production
The editing process of the PRELIM was also very short, and clearly from the sound and credits you can see that the post-production was also a difficult and an area which wasn't done well. The initial opening of the 'Waterloo Road' credits is relatively fine however the sound echos during the PRELIM, and is done unprofessionally. Furthermore, there is no sound to support the mood. -
Final Film - production
During the production process, we made our ideas become reality. Everything was done according to plan, the M.E.S was as good as it could be to our abilities e.g. the lighting, weather as a lot of it was out of our reach. However we were able to create great 180degree rule shots and use a wide range of different shot techniques (e.g. long shots, close ups). On set, I (Director of Photography) was taking pictures for our blog whilst Erika and Megan were directing. -
Final Film - production
In relation to costumes, our costumes were planned our thoroughly and I believe that we created great conventions of teen movies with them. For example, the checkered skirt.
Body language could definitely have been more convincing from my side of playing the popular girl however, but I think that we did do a good job with those shots too, tracking the camera to show the whole outfit. -
Final Film - post-production
The post-production process included using Garageband to create sound, Motion to create titles and Final Cut Pro to edit the film. During our PRELIM, none of this was done properly - the use of Final Cut Pro was minimal. We combined the use of Motion and Final Cut Pro to create our title sequence even better and even more professional. Through motion we also used templates to create our production and distribution companies. -
Final film - post-production
We used Garageband and imported music from soundcloud for our music, which was then imported to Final Cut Pro. The use of Garageband allowed us to make the transition even more complex through the use of sound which conveys the mood of the audience. -
Final Film - skills
During the past few months that we have spent planning, producing and distributing our film I have learned a great deal, I am now able to use:
Final Cut Pro; import and export.
Garageband; create tracks, import and export tracks, create new beats etc.
Motion; create a sequence with effects
I am also able to use equipment in a much more advanced way, set up safely without any difficulties and decide which shots are good and which aren't, paying more attention to small details. -
Final Film - pre-production
The pre-production of our Final Film was much more detailed and thought out. Evidence of this can be seen on our blog, but also through our animated storyboard which was very much in depth. We put down ideas on High School movies and decided our initial idea on what our movie was going to be. The process of planning took a while and a lot of research until we had everything set our for our film and knew what we were doing for the production and pre-production. -
Final Film - pre-production
Sound, costumes, location end etc. were all planned thoroughly before we decided what we were going to go out to film.
Blogging was an essential part of our pre-production as it allowed us to put our ideas into one. We also looked at other teen movies for influences and ideas on shots, costumes etc.