

  • Evaluating Decisions

    Evaluating Decisions
    “After a decision has been made and implemented it is important to assess both the outcome of the decision and the process by which the decision was reached," ( textbook pg 10). After a decision you have made always evaluate it after at no cost.
  • Evaluating outcomes

    Evaluating outcomes
    “The objective of evaluating outcomes is for the decision maker to develop insight into the decision," ( textbook pg 10). Insight can be figured out by looking at the impact the decision had on you.One can also consider whether a decision had the desired effect or naw.
  • Appraising the Decision Process

    Appraising the Decision Process
    “It can also be valuable for decision makers to step back and examine or appraise the process by which a decision was made," ( textbook pg 11). After all this happens and evaluate you can learn a lesson and apply it to your life later on.
  • Evaluating a decision I made

    Evaluating a decision I made
    In school we were going to take a test. I decides not to study and I evaluated my results and the results were bad. Another test came later on and I studied for and and my results where tremendous!