
  • Big 3 worked out methods of implementation

  • A decree which ordered midwifes and doctors with disabilities. Doctors had to report all children under the age of 3 for servere medical conditions

  • First killing psychiatrist patients begin in occupied Poland. Polish inmates of mental hospitals shot by SS

  • Hitlers signs a document in his personal notebook empowering doctors to grant mercy deaths

  • Over 4000 people are killed by SS death squad

  • First Demonstration of gassing at the Brandenburg asylum

  • Pastor Braun wrote a strong protest to Hitler

  • Opposition from the Catholic Church culminated in a mild protest by the Bishops' Conference

  • Leaders of judiciary receive information about the program from Brack

  • Bishop Von Galen of Munster issued a sermon publicly denouncing the T-4 operation

    thousands of copies of the sermon were printed and circulated. He was unwilling to make Galen a martyr and refused to act against him. A few days later, Hitler ordered a stop to the gassing.