Killings Begin
Nazi officials order hospitals to give a list of severely disbled kids under the age of three. -
Parents encouraged to hand over children to health officials
Parents encouraged to hand over children to health officials, where they would be killed by nurses with overdoses of medicine or starvation. -
Doctors Spared From Prosecution
Hitler secretly signs a paper sparing Doctors and other Medical Staff from prosection if they murdered a child -
T-4 Established
T-4 Established, 6 killing centers built across Germany -
Period: to
T-4 Program
T-4 Program, claims 70,000 lives -
Germany Sends People to Killing Centers
Germany Sends People to Killing Centers -
T-4 Stopped
T-4 Stopped, Due to Public Opposition; About 70,000 killed -
Resumes Killings
Nazis resume killings, but more secretly, all the way to the end of WW2; claims about 200,000 lives in all