The first settlement was established
A group of London investors known as the Virginia Company, sent a small convoy of vessels to Chesapeake Bay, where a hundred of man built a fort they named Jamestown (in honor of King James I) -
Winter of 1609/1610
During this terrible Winter, more tan 400 colonists starved, and a number resorted to cannibalism.
The Virginia Company then, sent out a large force of man, woman and livestock. -
The English captured Powhatan's favourite daughter
In one war against native americans, the English prevailed when they captured Pocahontas, the daughter of the powerful chief of the Powhatan Confederacy. -
Powhatan accepted a treaty of peace
The peace was sealed with the marriage of Pocahontas, who converted to Christianity, to John Rolfe. -
Pocahontas died in England
Rolfe and his wife and son travelled to England. But Pocahontas fell ill and died there. -
Virginia becomes a Royal Colony
England converted Virginia into a Royal Colonywith civil authorities appointed by the crown -
The Powhatans finally sued for peace
The war had bankrupted the Virginia Company. -
The English outnumbered the Powhatans
Continous emigration from England produced a doubling of the colonial population every five years, and by 1640 it numbered 10.000 -
The Powhatans organized the final revolt
More tan 500 colonists died. -
The Virginians crushed the Powhatans
The Virginians captured and killed the Powhatan's leader.