European Wars of Religion - Savana Flaherty

  • 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    This treaty allowed the princes of different states to decide what religion each state would follow. It also allowed lower class people to decide what religion they wanted to follow because even though they did not have the power to change the religion in their own state they could move to a different one if they wished to follow a different religion.
  • Period: 1562 to

    French Wars of Religion

    This was a time period much like the 30 years war where France was fighting with those of their own state (a civil war) over what the correct religion to follow was. At the start of the tension the ruler of France had decided to let French Calvinism into the very catholic society; however, this made the Catholics very mad and they pushed back.
  • 1572

    Bartolomew’s Day Massacre

    This was an event during the French Wars of Religion where a mob of Catholics targeted a group of Calvanists and ended up killing them and several other people in France.
  • Edict of Nantes

    This put an end to the French War of Religion, and temporally created peace between the catholics and the protestants. The Edict granted the Calvinists the right to worship wherever whenever as long as it was in private. This deal made several people in France happy; however, this peace did not last long in Europe.
  • Period: to

    30 Years War

    The 30 years war was originally a battle between the catholic and protestant church over what religion the people would follow in Europe. However, as time went on it become less about religion and more about who would govern Europe.
  • Treaty of Westphalia

    This was the treaty that finally put an end to the 30 years war. This treaty finally allowed states to actually gain control over what religion they followed, and put an end to the Roman emperor.