European Union

  • Benelux Treaty

    Designed to promote the free movement of workers, capital, and goods throughout the member countries. Make a tighter economic market to expand their economic well-being.
  • End of WWII

    Most of the continents economic structure was ruined. Many people ended up homeless. Widespread devastation(starving and freezing to death)
  • Industrial Production

    Became more lower than it had ever been in 1938. Agriculture production was similarity devastated for a number of people who didn't have jobs, unemployment..etc, the the economy was in a bad place. Had to come up with a way to build the economies
  • Postdam Conference

    Decided Germany and it's capital Berlin should be divided into 4 zones. To be controlled by Britain, France, USA, and Soviet Union. If you split Germany up Germany wouldn't have the power nor strength to start another war.
  • Marshall Plan

    To remove European Trade barriers to modernize its industry and make and make Europe prosperous again. The plan was really a piece of quite enlightened self-interest to buy the loyalty of Western Europe
  • OEEC

    Organization for European Economic Cooperation. Soviet Union began to exert it's influence. Had control on all the police forces, army, justice system and eventually led to control of the government. Churchills speech was a declaration of war
  • NATO

    US aligned itself with Canada and its Western European allies to form the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Agreed to mutual defense in any attack by any external party.

    Council for mutual economic assistance. Same year Soviets exploded their first atomic bomb. Wasn't a huge surprise the the West. Brought problems.
  • Treaty of Rome

    Created the European Economic Community(AEC). Integration was would move forward into these areas. Formed military alliance
  • Berlin Wall Built

    Right to shoot, kill attempted defectors.