European Union

  • Benelux Treaty

    This treaty unified Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg with the goal of total economic integration. This means the free circulation of people, goods, services, and capital by pursuing a common policy in regards to foreign trade. This was an early treaty that proved successful and paved the way for the formation of the EU.
  • Potsdam Conference

    First steps of achieving European integration happened here. They decided that Germany and its capital, Berlin, should be divided into four zones that would be controlled by the Allies from WWII. They goal was to divide up Germany, so they would not have the power to start another war.
  • End of WWII

    WWII left Europe devastated as much of the countries resources were utilized for war purposes. The Axis Powers lost the war to the Allies, which included the US, France, England, and the Soviet Union. Millions of soldier and civilian casualties resulted from this war. The Allies began working with other countries to rebuild the nation, avoid a future war, and eliminate nationalistic feelings that prompted the war in the first place.
  • Marshall Plan

    This was a US plan to provide Western Europe aid to recover from WWII. The plan was instilled to halt the spread of communism, while also contributing to economic redevelopment in industry and infrastructure. This plan is a key catalyst for not only the start of the cold war, but also the development of NATO, which we explore later in the timeline.
  • NATO

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed as a direct response to growing threat of the Soviet Union post WWII. The US took steps to demonstrate that it would resist any Soviet military expansion or pressures in Europe. Their primary purpose was to unify and strengthen the Western Allies’ military response to a possible invasion of western Europe by the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact allies.
  • Berlin Wall Built

    The Berlin Wall permanently closed off access from the East bloc to the West, and quite literally served as the "iron curtain" that came to symbolize the Cold War. For East Germans dissatisfied with communism that Soviets implemented in their territory, the West was a democratic escape, yet this was now sealed off. The wall represented the communist regime, and after years of demanding the blockade to go down, the East and West Bloc's were officially united in 1990.
  • End of the Cold War

    When the Berlin Wall came down, communism no longer had a hold on East Germany. The rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union was slowed and COMECON and the Warsaw Pact were dissolved. As a result, Europe could now focus on their economic and political reconstruction, since Germany's unification.
  • Maastricht Treaty

    This treaty formerly established the European Union. This organization encompasses billions of people who are politically, socially, and economically united. They are the largest economic organization in the world where 27 countries work peacefully together, in order to avoid the tragedies of war. They share a currency, the Euro, and operate as a single common market.
  • Formation of the EURO

    After years of being an "invisible currency" the Euro was finally launched, uniting the countries in the European Union by a single currency.
  • The European Union since 1999

    The Union has proved effective in combating financial crises, the COVID 19 pandemic, and expanding significantly. Since it's creation, the EU has grown in membership, tolerates border-free travel (The Schengen Area), and has succeeded in maintaining peaceful international cooperation.