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Austria, Russia, and Prussia 1600-1800

  • Czar Michael is Crowned

    Czar Michael is Crowned
    Czar Michael's crowning marked the end of Russia's "Time of Troubles"
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    Romanov Dynasty

  • Period: to

    Michael Romanov

    Created Russian empires across Asia to the Pacific
  • Period: to

    Frederick William of Prussia

    The Great Elcetor
    Made a strong army, established the War Chest. delegated military action/decisions to commisaires
  • Peter the Great becomes czar

    Peter the Great becomes czar
    Peter the great became czar of Russia as a child.
  • Siege of Vienna

    Siege of Vienna
    Austrian Habsburgs siege Vienna from Hungary
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    Frederick III

    Gained independence, made Berlin a cosmopolitan city
  • Peter the Great put down revolt

    Revolt by strelski (moscow guards)
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    Great Northern War

    Battle of Poltova
    Peter gains window to the west
  • St. Petersburg founded

    St. Petersburg founded
    St. Petersburg was founded in 1703 by Peter the Great in Russia. This city was Russia's capitol city.
  • Russia- Battle of Poltava

    Russia- Battle of Poltava
    Decline of the Swedes empire and beginning of russia’s advance Estonia, Livonia, and Poland
  • Pragmatic sanction

    Pragmatic sanction
    Keeps the Austrian Habsburg lands united
  • Creation of the Table of Ranks

    Creation of the Table of Ranks
    The Table of Ranks was created by Peter the Great and displayed the rankings of military, government, and court of Imperial Russia, it included 14 ranks
  • Period: to

    War of Austrian Succession

    The Prussians seized Silesia; Bavaria, Spain, and France joined Prussia to fight Austria, Great Britain, the Netherlands, and Russia. Austria and its allies lost, and Silesia was ceded to Prussia.
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    Seven Years War

    Essentially comprised two struggles; the maritime and colonial conflict between Britain and France and Spain and the conflict between Frederick II (the Great) of Prussia and Austria, France, Russia, and Sweden.
  • Prussians defeat French Forces

    Frederick II's Prussian army defeated the French forces in Saxony and prevented Austria from reclaiming Silesia.
  • Austria and Russia defeat Prussia

    Austria and Russia defeat Prussia
  • Peter III breaks away from Austria and France

    Peter III breaks away from Austria and France
    In 1762, Peter III became Emperor of Russia. He admired Frederick II and didn't want to continue supporting Prussia's enemies. He broke alliances with Austria and France and made seperate peace with Prussia.
  • Catherine the Great comes to Power

    Catherine the Great comes to Power
    Catherine the great, also known as the czarina of Russia, came to power after her husband, Czar Peter III was murdered by herself and her allies. She saw herslef as the true heir of Peter the Great, and continued his westernization efforts. She reformed Russia's legal and educational systems and took away a few restrictions on trade.
  • Treaty Signed

    Treaty Signed
    The Seven Years' War ended with no clear winner. A treaty signed that confirmed Prussia's hold on Silesia, which was a great loss for Austria. The Treaty of Paris was also signed, and gave most of France's North American colonies to Britain, which also maintained its dominant position in India.
  • Russia largest nation

    Russia largest nation
    under Michael Romanov