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European Immigrant Autobiographical Timeline

  • Birth Date

    Birth Date
    I was born on July 2oth, 1831 in [Mittenwald, Germany](<a href='' >Mittenwald, Germany</a>.It is a great town with friendly people and lots of joy. We had lots of toys and wealth. I had a good amount of friends that I went to school with, we liked to play outside and go over to the river not to far from our town. We went to a church that everyone had to attend on a Sunday, we didn't like this religion that we practiced. This is when my family decided that we want to practice a different religion free from this one.
  • Coming to Ellis Island

    Coming to Ellis Island
    I was 7 years old when I came to America. The Statue of Liberty towered over our ship and welcomed us with her torch raised. She was very tall. We stood in tiring lines for 3 hours until we finally are up next for physical exams.The doctor flipped my eyelids, which felt very weird, and sent me off down the hall and flipped the next person's eyelids. I went outside to find my family waiting for me at what they call the "kissing post." We slept there overnight and will head off in the morning.
  • Next Day

    Next Day
    "Bruno, time to get up we're leaving," my mom called to me. We took a train west because my mom didn't want to take another ship.The train was called "Bessy." The train ride was rougher than I thought, my siblings tried their luck at playing with little toys they brought along with them. We stopped at Coloma, California and I made a good friend right off the start named James Marshall. He seemed really nice from the begining.
  • Gold

    James and I were mining at Sutter's Mill when we struck gold. We told everyone the good news and they couldn't believe what they were looking at. we went back to the gold site and struck more of the gems. We became rich! The word spread east and soon many people flocked to our town. Different races gathered to try their luck.
  • On my own

    On my own
    My family talked and decided I start a life of my own on my own. I moved a few miles away into the woods. I have a good size land that I can farm on if I want, since I live right on the edge of the woods. I bought a donkey o help me, I named him Brad. Farming is easy over here and I plant wheat and vegetables. I go hunting to supply myself with meat, I ususally get the occasional fox, deer, or rabbit and squirrel. I enjoy living by myself , I don't have to worry about feeding others.
  • Wedding

    I've found the perfect wife for me when I went down to the farmers market and started to taliking with her and we decided to get married. I had my good friend James with me and Amy, my wife, had her best friend Morgan with her. We will forever be together and live a happy life.