Period: Jan 1, 1300 to
The Renaissance
Jan 13, 1300
start of renaissance
The renaissance is the rebirth of art and literature. During that time more people got an interest in education. -
Jan 14, 1347
the black plague
a disease that came from rats and insects. It happend to Europe in year 1347 on ships from Asia. Many people left and did every thing to escape the disease.The symptoms of the disease include dark swellings, fever, nausea, pain, and finally, death. -
Jan 13, 1386
Donatello thr artist
he was working as a goldsmiths shops. he created a sculpture with realistic emotion. David was the first nude, male sculpture since classical times. -
Period: Jan 11, 1418 to
European Explorers and the Race for the East
Jan 1, 1469
Desiderius Erasmus a minister
He was the side son of a minister and was sent to a monastery at a very young age. After he escaped the monastery, he used his knowledge write and publish books of Christianity and how he thought it should be. He critisised churches. Erasmus is one of best Christian humanists. -
Jan 1, 1478
Baldasare Castiglion a writer
he was a writer who wrote about, the renaissance man. a man must be a good in fighting and swords and as a skilled artist and musician, and educated. a man must be good in every area of study and be good in all fields. -
Mar 12, 1488
Bartholomew Diaz Discovered the southern tip of Africa and proves that it's possible to reach asia by sailing around africa. -
Oct 12, 1492
he Planned to reach India by heading west across the Atlantic
but Landed on the Bahamas, he thought he found India and explored and returned home as a hero.
Made 3 more trips before he died. -
May 20, 1498
the indies
After decades of sailors trying to reach the Indies with thousands of lives and dozens of vessels lost in shipwrecks and attacks, da Gama landed in Calicut on that date. -
Period: Jan 14, 1500 to Jan 14, 1555
the Reformation
Jan 13, 1517
mona lisa
Leonardo Da Vinchi it was the most popular painting he created it is price less -
Jan 14, 1517
the 95 Theses
This event started the reformation. Martin Luther, did not like the sale of indulegences,so he posted his theses on the door of the Wittenburg church. Luther was put on trial, he hid and translated the bible to German. -
Jan 1, 1518
when the european explores landed on the americas they not only ofered native americans trinkets and jewlry, smallpox, and other diseases as well -
Jan 11, 1519
Ferdinand Magellan went west from Spain to Reached a narrow passageway at the southern tip of South America that was
named the Strait of Magellan. Then died a few mounths later. -
Dec 27, 1530
conquering the incas
Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca with Fewer than 200 Spanish soldiers. They did that for god, glory, gold and how guns, gems, and steel. -
Jan 13, 1532
Niccolo Machiavelli/the prince
He wrote a guidebook called The Prince.He says it is much better for a leader to be feared than loved by his people. -
Jan 14, 1555
This is important in the reformation because it is a victory for the protestants. This ended the struggle between catholics and protestants in Rome. -
Jan 1, 1572
europe used brutal tactics in india in order to trade spices -
end of renissance
the renissance did not end the time piriod or art evolved -
Dutch East India Co
a corpartion that influenced the trade so greatly and is still a company today this company was used toWage war, Negotiate treaties, and Establish colonies -
Protestant Reformation
ther was a schism in between the catholic church and Martin Luther, John Calvin, Huldrych Zwing and other companians -
Brazil’s Age of Gold
a massive gold rush was started and over 150,000 slaves where used to mine all of the gold until the year 1775. -
end of age of exploration
the Age of Exploration ended in the 17 century, it is important to know that the exploration did not end entiarly. at this time. australia was not discovered until 1770 and the arctic and antarctic areas were not heavily explored until the 19 century.