European American explorers

  • Feb 23, 1540

    Coronado's expedition

    Spanish was looking for cities of gold while he was doing this he explored a lot. In the end he didn't find what he was looking for.
  • Period: 1541 to

    Spain claiming land in Nebraska

    They lost and gained land back many times. Always fought French for it.
  • Jacques Maerqette’s Expedition

    Traveled along the Missouri river. Set up a trade route
  • Period: to

    France claiming land in Nebraska

    Fought with Spain a lot for it. In end sold it to the United States.
  • Étienne de Veniard, Sieur de Bourgmont comes to Nebraska

    traveled the Missouri river to mouth of platte river. he was trading fur during it.
  • Villasur’s Expedition

    Their objective was to stop the french traders that were in their territory. Also figure out french plan.
  • Period: to

    United States claims land that is now Nebraska

    Bought land from France for 15 million dollars(Louisiana Purchase). Lewis and Clark explored the new land.
  • Lewis and Clark’s Expedition

    One goal was trying to find the north west passage. They also wanted to Bring back information about the new land.
  • Zebulon Pike’s Expedition

    23 soldiers sent to gather information information on Spanish out west.