European History

  • 6000 BCE

    Caves of Lascaux

    Caves of Lascaux
    These caves have paintings and drawings that Nomads made because they were sacred to them. four boys found these caves in Southern France in 1940 when their dog fell down a fox hole. There is close to 600 pictures in the caves.
  • 6000 BCE

    Caves of Lascaux Pt. 2

    Caves of Lascaux Pt. 2
    these caves are located near the village Montignac. The pictures and drawings in the caves cover everything like the walls ceilings. Most of the drawings are animals and things that are important to them. there is over 6000 images that can be separated into 3 different categories like animals, human figures, and abstract signs. most of the images are for major events in there lives.
  • 1100

    Crusades Pt.2

    Crusades Pt.2
    The crusades had a major impact on the Europeans. The goods flowed steadily through which benefited the kings because they taxed the goods that came throw there land. Kings took land from the noble's that went and fight against the muslims. Feudalism came around since kingdoms where growing stronger and larger these places became into modern nation-states.
  • Period: 1100 to 1509


    During this time the Christian faith united Europeans. muslims gained control of the Palestine which Christians consider this as holy land. Nobles from western Europe gather volunteers to take control of their holy land again. There was a lot of conflict between christian and muslim.
  • 1400

    The Renaissance Pt.2

    The Renaissance Pt.2
    Renaissance is a French word that means rebirth. They also created humanism a way of thinking that gave importance to an individual and human society. Renaissance ideas started in Italy but over time spread from Italy to other parts of Europe. They were recovering from the black death which killed a lot of people.
  • Period: 1400 to

    The Renaissance

    This is where the interest in art and learning came back to life. The Renaissance thrived in cities that gained great wealth from trading with Asia that helped with scholars and artists. They were also recovering from the black death at this time.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus Pt.2

    Christopher Columbus Pt.2
    He first went out to sea as a teenager and he was part of trading voyages. During his first voyage across the Atlantic Ocean his fleet got attacked by French Privateers. He made four voyages over the ocean and it was his third voyage before he reach the main land. The sap ish arrested Columbus for his poor judgement.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Christopher Columbus tried to find a different route to Asia. He tried sailing west and he found the America’s. Other countries in Europe sailed over to America’s to because they wanted to settle their. But when settling there they destroyed cultures that were already there.
  • 1517

    The Reformation Pt.2

    The Reformation Pt.2
    Humanism led people to believe differently about the religion in a new way. Martin Luther was the most important during this period because he was the most engaged in this part of time. Martin Luther was an Augustinian monk when he composed his 95 theses which protested the popes sales of reprieves.
  • Period: 1517 to

    The Reformation

    Some people thought there where problems in the Roman Catholic church. Martin Luther set out to fix religious church practices. Wars between roman catholics and protestants soon swept through Europe.
  • World War 1 Pt.2

    World War 1 Pt.2
    This was the first war with tanks, aircraft, chemical warfare, and aircraft carriers. Chemical warfare was banned after the first World War. The French and the British had the most tanks, these two countries were allies in the war combined they had 6000 tanks. When Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated the war was started.
  • Period: to

    World War 1

    This was the bloodiest battle in world history. They had a lot of trench warfare which led to a lot of deaths. There was tanks, aircraft, chemical warfare, and other things that changed the war.
  • World War 2 Pt.2

    World War 2 Pt.2
    Hitler is the one that declared the attack on Poland which started the war. Hitler is the leader of the German army at this time. In august of 1945 we dropped a bomb on Hiroshima which ended the war but it also killed 70,000 people. during the war Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman were presidents of the United States.
  • Period: to

    World War 2

    It was the deadliest war in world history. This war involved 30 countries and had 50 million military and civilian deaths but some estimates are as high as 85 million. The war was started when Germany invaded Poland. The war ended when the final allied countries Germany and japan were defeated.
  • Cold War Pt.2

    Cold War Pt.2
    This war started at the end of the Second World War and ended after the Soviet Union was gone. The Soviet Union had control of half of Germany and half of Berlin which was separated by a wall. The US was spread out through the western part of Europe. In 1949 the Soviet Union made an atomic bomb and humanity trembled since both superpowers had them.
  • Period: to

    Cold War

    The cold war was about tensions between the eastern bloc and the western bloc after world war. The US and Soviet Union had different ideas on government and economy. The US was apart of the western bloc and the soviets were part of the eastern bloc. The US and Soviet Union we’re superpower after ww2