Jan 1, 900
Feudalism is a political and economic system based on land ownership and personal loyalty. The feudal system was based on Riggs and obligations. In exchange for military services, a lord would grant a fief to a vassal. There was a fuel all pyramid structure depending on why had the land. The kind was at the top, then the vassals, such as nobels and bishops. Next would be the Knights, and the last spot would be for peasants. -
Jan 1, 1096
The crusades were a series of religious wars in which Christians and Muslims fought over the holy land of Jerusalem. The reasons for the crusades were for the adventure and riches, to have prisoners free, because they were bored, the "get out of hell" free card, and hatred and racism. The impacts of the crusades involved cultural diffusion, increase in trade, opportunities for serfs, and legacy of hatred between religions. -
Jan 1, 1348
Black Plague
The causes of the plague were people being unsanitary. That caused rats to live in the dirty places, and because of the rats living in in filth, it caused fleas. Fleas were most known to spread the illness. It wiped out two thirds of the population in some of China, destroyed Muslim towns, and took out one third of the European population. -
Jan 1, 1350
Renaissance, series of literary and cultural movements in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries. These movements began in Italy and later expanded to Germany, France, England, and other parts of Europe. Ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome were studied. Humanism was also introduced, which explained and described the worth of one individual, rather than just the worth of God. The teachings included poetry, history, rhetoric, and moral philosophy. -
Jan 1, 1517
The Protestant reformation is the name given to a religious and political development in the early 16th century. This reformation was lead by Martin Luther, a monk from Germany. Luther created 95 complaints of the church and hung it on the church doors for everyone to see. The ideas behind the reformation were mainly to have the church be less greedy, fairer and accessible to all people, not just rich and educated people. -
Jan 1, 1558
Elizabethan England
Elizabethan England is the time period when Queen Elizabeth 1 was was Queen. It was most known for music, poetry, literature, and theatre. Shakespeare had his big break in this time. -
Creation of Vatican City
Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. The land area is only 17 square miles. The population is only 900. And the area is limited to cardinals under the age of 80. -
European Union
The political union is often called the EU. All the countries would become states. The goals were: no tariffs, single currency, one government, one military, etc. It is Europe's push to become one "country". -
The Chunnel is a train that travels under water. It's 250 feet deep. It is also 23.5 miles long.