Europe Timeline

  • Potsdam Conference

    A conference between the U.S, Great Britain and the Soviet Union about the significance of WW1 and the aftermath. At this conference they decide who gets the land, this decision severley affects Germany, by splitting it into two sides.
  • Vietman War

    Was a war betwen North and South Korea, this is when the United States wanted a closer relationship with Vietnam (allied with them) in order for the U.S to gain better resources.
  • Beginning of the Cold War

    Germany was divided into four occupation zones; split into East and West Germany. East Germany became under Soviet control (communist) and West was under the U.S., Great Britian, and France (capitalist).
  • Berlin Blockade/ Airlift

    The airlift was a massive transport of supplies. The blockade restricted access to Berlin by closing water and railway transport.
  • Berlin Wall

    It splits up Berlin into East and West Berlin. Then they took down the wall because there were to many deaths from trying to escape.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    Climax over the Cold War. Soviet Union wanted to install missles in Cuba. An American plane was shot down over Cuba.
  • Glasnot / Perestroika

    Allowed for critisim of government officials and allows encuragment of social freedoms, it also encated the Marshall Plan. The Marshall Plan was the second major outcome of the Cold War, which was used to prevent the spread of communism.
  • Fall of Communisim / Soviet Union

    Russian Civil War, this is when the Union finally collaspes, due to the creation of Common Wealth of Independent States (CIS). The USSR was created of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.