europe inventions

  • The Spinning Jenny

    The Spinning Jenny
    it was a machine that spun wool or cotton james hargreaves
  • Power Loom

    Power Loom
    a machine used to weave cloth and tapestry edmond cartwright 1785
  • (Watt) Steam Engines

    (Watt) Steam Engines
    it used a cylinder that contained a movable piston connected by a chain at the bottom of each stroke steam was let in the chamber james watt
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    a machine that quickly and easily separates cotton from the seeds eli whitney 1794
  • Locomotive

    a vehicle that moves on its own that runs on rails and is used to move rail cars richard trvithick 1804
  • Steamboat

    a boat that is powered by steam power usually moving a propellers or paddlewheels robart fulton 1807
  • Photograph/Camera

    a device used for recording an image of something louis le prince 1816
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    a machine used to sow fabric together with thread elias howe 1819
  • Telegraph

    Telegraph a communication system that send information by making and breaking an electrical connection samuel f.b. Morse 1844
  • Dynamite

    an explosive that is made of nitroglycerin absorbed in a porous material and that often contains ammonium nitrate or cellulose nitrate alfred nobel 1866
  • Telephone

    a machine used to simultaneously transmit and receive voices or sounds alexander grahm bell 1876
  • Automobile

    a rode vehicle that is powered by internal combustion carl benz 1886