Europe in the Common Era

  • 285

    Rome is split into two regions by Diocletian

    The Roman Empire grew too large for it to be governed under one ruler, so Diocletian split the empire into two halves, with the western half being ruled by Rome and the Eastern half being ruled by Constantinople.
  • 285

    Rome is split into two regions by Diocletian

    Rome is split into two regions by Diocletian
    Rome is deemed too large to be ruled under one emperor. Diocletian decides to split the empire into two halves with the western half being ruled under Rome and the eastern half being ruled by Constantinople.
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    The edict of milan was decreed by Constantine and proclaimed that Christianity was accepted by the Roman government and Christians can no longer be persecuted
  • 325

    Nicaean Creed

    Nicaean Creed
    The Nicene Creed was issued by the Council of Nicea and set the orthodoxy of the Christian Church. It denounced the heresies that were also around during that time.
  • 410

    Sacking Of Rome By Germanic Tribes

    Sacking Of Rome By Germanic Tribes
    Western Rome fell after the Germanic Tribes such as the Visigoths and the Gauls attacked. They attacked because they were displeased with the current treatment they were getting from the Romans.
  • 447

    Theodosius II builds a great wall around Constantinople

    The construction of the walls surrounding Constantinople established it as the center of the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire)
  • Period: 481 to Apr 29, 752

    Clovis and the Merovingian Dynasty (Reign of Clovis)

    Clovis united all of Gaul, creating the Merovingian Kingdom. Upon his death, the reign of his kingdom was passed down to his four sons.
  • 482

    Justinian becomes Emperor of Byzantine Empire

    Justinian becomes Emperor of Byzantine Empire
    Justinian and his wife Theodora, became the rulers of the Byzantine Empire. Under his rule, the Justinian code was established, which served as a set of laws for a long time.
  • 537

    Hagia Sophia is Built

    Hagia Sophia is Built
    The Hagia Sophia was a religious center constructed in Constantinople. It was originally a Christian Church, but was later converted into a mosque as Islam spread.
  • Apr 28, 661

    Ali is murdered, creating Sunni/Shia split.

    Ali's murder created the split between Sunnis and Shiites, since the two had their own view on Ali, with one favoring him and the other not, causing the two branch away from each other.
  • Apr 28, 680

    Muhammed Conquers Mecca

    The prophet Muhammed and the Muslims conquered Mecca, converting it into a center for Islam
  • Period: Apr 28, 714 to Apr 29, 1124

    The Carolingian Dynasty (Charlemagne and the Renassiance, Agreement with Byzantine Empire to recognize Charlemagne, Diplomatic relations with Harun Al Rashid)

    The Carolingian Dynasty was founded by Charles Martel and was carried by his descendants such as Pepin The Short and Charlemagne. Charlemagne was the most famous of the Carolingians and was even crowned Emperor of Holy Rome by Pope Leo. When conquering Italy, Charlemagne signed a treaty with the Duke of Spoleto that gave him power despite Byzantium's presence there. Charlemagne even had contact with Harun Al-Rashid, who was an acquaintance of his that gave him gifts.
  • Apr 28, 732

    Ummayad Empire (Battle of Tours)

    Ummayad Empire (Battle of Tours)
    The Ummayad Empire was the second of four caliphates. It was unique because it was secular and allowed Christian and Jewish sects to maintain their respective power. The Umayyad Empire tried to expand into Europe, but their defeat against Charles Martel and the Frankish Kingdom in the battle of tours caused them to retreat.
  • Apr 28, 752

    Abbasid Empire (Baghdad built as new capital)

    The Abbasid Empire was the third caliphate. It was founded by Muhammed's youngest uncle. It was significant because it moved the capitol to Baghdad from Damascus.