Enlightment period
A movement that was the belief that human reason could discover the laws that control social behavior. Many influences impacted the Enlightenment such as the Scientific Revolution and the Reformation. These new scientific methods and discoveries provided major change for the European society. -
Period: to
Start of inventions
During this period most people work by hand would be replaced with machines. The cotton industry. Cotton was woven in India, China, and the Middle East, it all changed in with a new invention called the Spinning Jenny. The Spinning Jenny created new inventions based on this one machine and made items faster and more efficient -
Industrial Revolution
transfomation in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology had changes in society. Populations increased in major cities, and people were living longer. Some countries strived while others were left in the dust. -
Baby boom
A main effect to the Industrial Revolution was the increase of populations in big cities. Growth took place in the U.K and Wales, increased throughout Europe. The rise in people also increased the resistance to diseases. Better food supplies and jobs led to people having more children. -
Most of the trade happened within surrounding areas,but new roads and transportation improved trade, making produce go faster and more efficient in longer distances. Foreign goods were in demand such as silk and cotton from Asia and sugar from the Caribbean. -
The Bastille was a fortress and prison in Paris . It was seiged on July 14, 1789 by riotoers who heard rumours of bandits, outlaws, and aristrocrats who were starving people. They found gun powder and prisoners that had been taken by King Louis XVI. This marked the beginning of the French Revolution. -
French Revolution
Power issues in France that had great impacts on Europe. The absolute monachy collapsed in three years, making the French society completely transform. Classes in society were put out and the Enlightenment started. -
Tech. increase
Technology became a big event on how the creation of the plow the spinning jenny and transportation affected they life of Europe forever. -
Napoleon Bonparte strives during this time and his ideas changed Europe in the 1900. Through the military, he declares himself emperor of France -
During this time many stirred rumors against neighbouring countries. Rivalries over territories, ideological differences, trade disagreements,contributed tointernational tension.