Last supper
Jesus is crucified and betrayed by the apostle names Judas -
Rite is described
St.Justin writes the description of the Rite today. -
Latin language Altered
Latin was now the Language of the liturgy -
Jun 13, 1215
Fourth Lateran Council
The law was passed to give people the right for people to receive communion at least one time in a calendar year -
Jan 1, 1570
Pope Puis V
Pope Pius published a roman missal that thoroughly explained the ritual of the Eucharist. -
New Law
Dedication to the blessed sacrament continued to shine, although people rarely received communion until 1910, when Pope Pius X permitted children who attained the age of maturity to receive holy communion and encouraged frequent communion by all the faithful. -
Eucharist Today
We celebrate the mass in the vernacular language so we can understand more fully what the mass means.The liturgy of the word has greater importance. Guidelines instruct the homilist to develop the homily based on the readings. The Sunday readings revolve around a three-year cycle. This emphasis has helped Catholics discover the scriptures.The altar now faces the people. This invites a clearer understanding of what is going on at the Eucharist. It also symbolically opens the mass to fully -
About the symbol
Bread and Wine are consumed, for which symbolizes the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Bread - Bread is a symbol of the Eucharist because it represents life. -
Beliefs of the Eucharist
Catholics are, first and foremost, Christians who believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Catholicism shares some beliefs with other Christian practices, but essential Catholic beliefs include the following: The Bible is the inspired, error-free, and revealed word of God. -
The history of the Catholic Church begins with the teachings of Jesus Christ, who lived in the 1st century CE in the province of Judea of the Roman Empire. The contemporary Catholic Church says that it is the continuation of the early Christian community established by Jesus.