
By TomBei
  • 384

    Latin Language

    Latin language altered of the liturgy
  • 500

    Last supper

    Jesus is crucified and betrayed
  • 501

    St Justin writes the Rite

  • 1215

    Fourth Lateran Council

    the law was passed to give people the right to receive communion at least one time in a calendar year
  • 1570

    Pope Puis the V

    Pope Pius released a roman missal that talks about the ritual of the Eucharist.
  • New law

    Pope Pius X allowed children who attained the age of maturity to receive holy communion and encouraged frequent communion by all the faithful.
  • Today

    The Vatican wished to make the eucharist a celebration of the entire community. to help us understand the symbolism and meaning of the mass. They also help us gather together as a worshipping community.