
ETHS 153

  • Mexico v.s U.S War

    Mexico v.s U.S War
    United States tried to expand an tries to take over the Mexican land.But it was only able to seize its northern provinces. (Gutierrez Ramon A. pg.29)
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo
    Allowed about 110,000 Mexicans that remained in the territory of mexico but surrendered, were granted citizenship.(Gutierrez Ramon A. pg 37)
  • American Gold Rush

    American Gold Rush
    More Mexicans legally appear in the U.S threw the American Gold Rush because the U.S was short on labor workers so they decided to barrow some from mexico.(Gutierrez Ramon A. pg. 31)
  • Greaser Act

    Was an anti-Mexican law, disguised as an anti-vagrancy statute. The law defined a vagrant as all persons who are commonly known as 'Greasers' or the issue of Spanish and Indian blood... and who go armed and are not peaceable and quiet persons.This discriminatory law allowed oppression over minorities living in California.
  • Treaty Of Paris

    Treaty Of Paris
    . This treaty was create after the Spanish and america ended their war and the victor to possession of Puerto Rico and Cuba.Which ended affecting Puerto Rico's independence. (Gutierrez,Ramon A pg. 40)
  • Puerto Ricans Appear in The U.S.

  • Jones Act

    Jones Act
    Granted u.s. citizenship to Puerto Ricans (Gutierrez Ramon A. pg 40)
  • Mass Deportation Campaign

    Mass Deportation Campaign
    Gutierrez David G. During the great depression the U.S government forced around 350,000-500,000 Mexican immigrants to leave the country. (Gutierrez David G. pg.110)
  • Bracero Program

    Bracero Program
    The United States signed the Mexican Farm Labor Agreement with Mexico. And allowed more Mexicans into the U.S. Also helped stimulate a sharp increase in unauthorized Mexican migration.(Gutierrez David G. pp 110-111)
  • Operation Wetback

    Operation Wetback
    was a federal program that deported illegal Mexican immigrants from the south western U.S. and also the Bracero program.(Gutierrez David G. pg.115)
  • Mexicans made up 1/3 of the New Mexican population

    Mexicans made up 1/3 of the New Mexican population
    Approximately 4,000 person of indigenous ancestry called genizaros entered New Mexican society during the eighteen century. By the 1750's they composed about one-third of the New Mexico Society.They were considered marginal because of their slave,ex-slave or outcast status.
  • Mexicans v.s Puerto Ricans

    Relation between Mexicans and Puerto ricans ( Boricua) was tense, because the citizen status that Puerto Ricans received, which also allowed them to receive welfare and other government assistance.(Gutierrez Ramon A. pg.45)
  • Ofensiva Rompecadenas ( Break-the-Chains Offensive)

    Ofensiva Rompecadenas ( Break-the-Chains Offensive)
    The young lords were asking for unity in their attempt to gain Puerto Rican independence threw Ofensiva Rompecadenas ( Break-the-Chains Offensive).(Gutierrez Ramon A. pg. 41)
  • Hate Crimes against Immigrants

    Hate Crimes against Immigrants
    People in Suffolk County victimized Latino immigrants not knowing their legal status , but they just discriminated them just because they looked like illegal immigrants.(Southern Poverty Law Center pg.598)
  • Hispanics unite with Boricuas double check

    Hispanics and Boricuas come together to fight for their civil rights and for equality
  • Caucasian Crew (Beaner Hopping)

    Caucasian Crew (Beaner Hopping)
    During this time the Caucasian Crew was a gang of teenagers in New York where not happy with the immigrants that where immigrating to the U.S mostly in New York that they stared to target Latinos and abuse them, which they also called a sport names as "Beaner Hopping"(Southern Poverty Law Center pg.593)