Ethics timeline

  • Birth

    I was born on the date August 12, 2006 at 2:33 am.
  • SouthRican

    This is a word that will sound unfamiliar. It is a phrase that I created that means South African and Puerto Rican. I am very proud of my heritage and all that comes with.
  • First day of Kindergarten

    First day of Kindergarten
    This was my first day of Kindergarten, I don't remember much but I do remember watching all the other kids cry for their parents. I was fine though. I did cry once or twice though if I'm being honest.
  • 4th grade basketball team

    4th grade basketball team
    I played on a park district team when I was n 4th grade. This team really made me love the sport the way I do now. We didn't win every game but we did win the championship game. And yes, I scored.
  • Cubs win their first world series since 1908!

    Cubs win their first world series since 1908!
    I tell you, this was one of the best nights of my life. I remember going up big in the early innings of the game and thinking we had it in the bag. Then Cleveland started to storm back. This made me so incredibly nervous, but that night the comeback in extra innings. I can never forget that moment. The rain delay and then my mom getting me to wake up. Then jumping up and down.
  • First Track meet

    First Track meet
    My first track meet. I remember the nerves. I wasn't great at that time, but I run track now and the improvement is very present.
  • 8th Grade Graduation

    8th Grade Graduation
    I graduated 8th grade in 2020! The covid year, It kind of stunk but the actual ceremony was really cool because it was the first time that I had seen some of my friends in 3 months. It was really emotional because I went to the same school (Thorp) for 9 years.
  • First day of Freshman Year

    First day of Freshman Year
    First day of Freshman year was a little bit of a weird one. It was online and I remember not really connecting to anyone in that class. That was one of the few times I showed my face all year. I made some friends that year, and still have some to this day.
  • Freshman Basketball Tryouts

    Freshman Basketball Tryouts
    Freshman year tryouts. I remember being so nervous I barely slept the night before and woke up with a headache. I was there and thought I played decently and then coach asked for my name, I told him. Got an email a few hours later stating I made the team.
  • Extrovert

    I am an extrovert. I have always been very social because I like getting along with people. I like having people to connect with,
  • Trustworthy

    I am a trustworthy person because I know what it's like to have your trust betrayed. So I like being able to be there for people.
  • Funny

    I would say I am decently funny. I love to make people laugh and being social helps with that.
  • Empathetic

    I would say I am a very empathic person. I get that from my dad. My role model.
  • Observant

    I am an observant person. I am often always paying attention even if you're not paying attention. So watch out.
  • Athletic

    I love sports. I love playing,watching,learning, etc all about them. Sports have gotten me through some tough times.
  • Sophomore Track Season

    Sophomore Track Season
    This was my most successful athletic season I have ever had. It made me really love the sport, and it was because I saw so much improvement from Freshman year. For example I jumped 11 feet Freshman year. That's not great. Sophomore year I jumped 19 feet, the 4th best long jump in sophomore jump history here at Taft. I went to sectionals as a sophomore and was a few seconds off of state in some of my events,
  • Prospector

    I react to my environment instead of trying to control it. I often adapt and survive.
  • Turbulent

    I am a turbulent individual. Meaning I am success-driven. I hate losing, but I know it also builds character, You gotta learn how to lose before you know how to win.
  • Open-Minded

    I love listening to other people. My story is very unique in a way like no other. So when other people have different experiences, I like to hear about it.
  • 16th Birthday

    16th Birthday
    This is the last day of significance that I can remember. I am normally not a big fan of my birthday but this year it was different. I spent majority of the day with one of my favorite people. Then I went to the Chicago sports museum and spent the day downtown.