Ethics and Psychology

  • 6500 BCE


    Abnormal bx was believed to be caused by demonic possession. And could only be cured by religious exorcism or drilling holes in peoples sculls to release the demons.*Often done without permission of participants and many died.
  • Tuskee Syphilis Study 1932-1972

    Over 600 Black share croppers were studied "to document diseases in blacks and racial differences in the clinical manifestation of syphilis." Were not told they had it so went and spread it to their children and wife's. Were not given penicillin and were prohibited from getting it anywhere else.
  • Nazi Concentration Camp experiment 1935-1945

    performed horrific experiment on homosexuals, Jews, Negros, and other not of pure Arian lineage. Ex: sleep deprivation, starvation, and unnecessary surgeries without Anastasia. Was submission to physical, emotional, and psychological abuse.
  • Stanley Milgram- Obedience

    was an experiment held to test how much one was willing to obey authority and cause harm to others even if it conflicted with their personal beliefs. Subjects were told to increase voltage to shock the "learners." No real shocks were actually sent. 65% of subjects did not quit despite their feelings in order to not disobey.