Ethan Ohlmann and Bennett Skilling, Growth of Autonomy in Canada between 1919 and 1939

  • Paris Peace Conference and Treaty of Versailles

    Paris Peace Conference and Treaty of Versailles
    -Prime Minister Robert Borden represented Canada
    -Canada was an independant signatory on the Treaty
    -Germany had no part in the negotiations
    -This was the first time Canada represented itself as separate from Britain
    -Consequences for Germany were too harsh
    -Germany was unable to pay for the reparations of other countries
    -left countries in financial ruin which led to WW3 Key Words:
    -signatory-a party that has signed agreement to a treaty
    -reparations- the making of amends
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    League of Nations first international organization who's main goal was world peace
    Borden helped create the League of Nations where Canada demanded a separate seat to show independence from Britain
    US government didn't side with their president who came up with the idea for the league of Nations
    This was the first time Canada represented itself in an international commitee Comitee- a group of people appointed for a specific function
    Independance- a fact or state of being independant
  • Chanak Crisis

    Chanak Crisis
    -British troops were threatened by the Turkish
    -Britain requested aid from the Commonwealth countries
    -PM King said the parliment must vote before Canada goes to war
    -Canadian Parliment Debated over the course of action and hadn't finished debating before threat passed
    -First time Canada didn't automatically go to battle when Britain called
    -William Lyon Mackenzie King was Prime Minister Refusal-an act or instance of refusal
    Debate-a formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting
  • Halibut Treaty

    Halibut Treaty
    -It was a Canadian-American agreement to protect halibut on the west coast
    -Canada wished to sign the treaty for itself but Britain still wanted the right to sign international treaties for Canada
    -Prime Minister King argued that Britain had no part in the matter and that the agreement was between Canada and the US
    -This was the first time Canada negotiated and signed an international document independantly from Britain
    -William Lyon Mackenzie King was Prime Minister
  • Key Words for Halibut Treaty

    Environmental- relating to the natural world
    Resource preservation- the sustainable use and management of natural resources
  • King/Byng Crisis

    King/Byng Crisis
    -Prime Minister King's Liberals lost support of the Progressive Party
    The Governer General (Lord Byng) refused King's request for a re-election
    -The Conservatives then lost the support of the Progressive Party
    -The Governer General allowed a re-election
    -This meant that an elected British official still had control over when Canada held elections
    -This was the last time a Governer General argued against the wishes of a Prime Minister
  • King/Byng Crisis Key words

    Assertion- a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief
    Challenge- an objection to the truth or reason of something
  • Imperial Conference

    Imperial Conference
    -The British Commonwealth countries who wanted autonomy were all there
    -Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the Irish Free State
    -All requested to be formally granted the ability to be autonomous and govern themselves independantly from the British
    -William Lyon Mackenzie King was Prime Minister
  • Imperial Conference Key Words

    Commonwealth- an international association consisting of the UK together with states that were previously part of the British Empire, and dependencies. The British monarch is the symbolic head of the Commonwealth Congregation- a gathering of people
  • The Balfour Report

    The Balfour Report
    -This report was to formally show that Britain was accepting the growing independance of the Commonwealth countries
    -Lord Balfour published the Balfour Report Formality-a thing that is done simply to comply with requirements of etiquette, regulations, or custom
    acceptance- the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered
  • First Foreign Canadian Embassies Opened

    First Foreign Canadian Embassies Opened
    -Canada opened its first foreign embassy in the US
    -Later, more embassies were opened in France and Belgium
    -Vincent Massey was the first diplomat
    -Canada could now comminicate with other countries directly without going through Bitain Embassy- the official residence or offices of an ambassador
    Ambassador- an accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country
  • Statute of Westminister

    Statute of Westminister
    -Balfour Report became law in 1931
    -British Empire formally became the British Commonwealth
    -Commonwealth countries were considered free and equal to Britain
    -allegiances to the British Crown were formed Statute- a written law passed by a legislative body
    self-Governing- Governments who are free from external government control or outside political authority