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My Technology History
Etcha Sketch
Pencil, I was obsessed with having a SHARP Edge
Beta Machine.
If we wanted to watcha movie we had to RENT this machine and a movie from the store. -
VCR Rewinder
This was the coolest invention ever. This made it possible to watch a movie and immediatly pop in another video to watch. While putting the first video in the rewinder so you didn't have to wait for it to rewind in the VCR machine. -
I saved up money to buy this little baby. My first tape that I bought on my own was Lionel Richie and the Pet Shop Boys. -
The DiscMan
Again I used babysitting money to pay for a new discman. Then I immediatly ask for my first Disc for my brithday. -
World Wide Webb
The first time I even heard of the Internet was when I was 17yrs old. I was doing a summer camp at BYU and they told us about it. I remember the professor saying , "Just imagine you can talk to someone in AFRICA immediatly" He was talking about email. I remember thinking, "Why do I want to talk to someone in Africa?" -
The Mini-Disc
This was the technolgy of the centry all of those .mp3's that I had downloaded from Napster could now be played on this Minidisc. I could add as many as 35 songs to a single disc. Ten times better then buring 10 songs to a CD. -
Digital Camera
My First Digital Camera. The idea that I could see a photo instantly was Awesome., plus no more paying for film, plus developing the film and all of the photos. I could now justt pay for the photo I wanted to the most. -
Mp3 Player
1 Gg of Memory in a tiny little thing. I could easierly have 100 songs on this item that weight less then a pound. AmAZING. -
Smart Phone
My first Smart Phone ( Black Berry) just imagine music, Social Networking, games, the internet, texting and phone capabilties in the palm of my hand. AWESOME.