
Estates General Called

By Dawe
  • Estates General Called

    Estates General Called
    The meeting gets called for the first time in 150 years, by Louis XVI.This meeting was called so the king can try to make more money from tax revenue. France was already in debt from damages of the 7 year war which they lost, King Louis XVI called the meeting everyone gets together to vote on what works for everyone, but it's always 1st estate, 2nd estate vs the peasants 3rd estate.
  • National Assembly Formed

    National Assembly Formed
    After the Estates General Called, the 3rd estate did not agree with the idea of one vote for a class. The peasants wanted a vote per person so they can gain more power, 3rd estate decided to run out of the room for the better. King Louis XVI did not like the idea of one vote per person so he locked them out of the estates general meeting. All the people who agreed with the idea of one vote per person were locked out, they stormed an open room and they called it the national assembly.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    All people demanding for a new constitutions were all in one room, the room they called the tennis court, after everyone agreed they proposed the tennis court oath. All the citizens in that were in the tennis court room agreed and proposed a law/ oath named the declaration of the right of men and the citizens. The idea of this oath was to eliminate absolute monarchy, this created equality the government had to focus more on citizens.
  • The Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille
    The Storming of the Bastille, occurs when the national assembly decide to break prisoner free. They took down all the gourds freed 7 prisoners, also stole guns, gunpowder and more wopean. The Bastille was taking down as way of eliminating absolute monarchy, trying to rebuild the system that focuses more on its citizens.
  • Constitutional Monarchy

    Constitutional Monarchy
    This was an idea where they created the declarationa of right man and the citizen, set by Frances national constituent assembly in 1789. This constituen was only for man only applied to men no women.
  • France a Republic

    France a Republic
    over time the government started to push away from the king. France became a republican when king Louis XVI approved the new constitution that eliminated the idea of absolute monarchy. This constitution focused on citizens instead of the 1st estate 2nd estate.
  • King Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette Beheaded

    King Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette Beheaded
    King Louis XVI was convicted which he was sentenced to death, most of the citizens agreed on the execution of the king. They all had an idea if they eliminate the king, that absolute monarchy would disappear. Nine month later Antoinette Beheaded was convicted of treason by a tribunal, and she was executed.
  • Reign of Terror Begins

     Reign of Terror Begins
    Reign of Terror Begins as an idea to try to protect France by eliminating any enemies or anyone that's against the idea. As a results of the Reign of Terror some people were benefiting if they were on the right side of the political beliefs and supported them. At this time they believed it was necessary to punish people that were against the government, by executing everyone who commits a crime of any.
  • Reign of Terror Ends

     Reign of Terror Ends
    Reign of terror ended when enemies of Robespierre organized to overthrow him by executing him. This was the resualts of over 200,000 arrested citizens, many people realized this was a big threat they took over and eliminated Robespierre which ended the reign of terror.