ESS Timeline 1

  • Sand County Almanac

    Written by Aldo Leopold, it consisted of essays he wrote throughout his life, mainly talked about how the concept of stewardship should be applied in nature as well (text)
  • National Parks in the UK

    The UK established 10 national parks with the mindset of preserving these beautiful places. This made it known that we should conserve more areas (text)
  • Silent Spring

    Book written by Rachel Carson, talked about how toxins from pesticides can hurt humans as well (text)
  • Bhopal

    Chemical leak that killed 15000-20000 people, the government and the company didn’t want to admit what was really happening however (text)
  • Chernobyl

    Huge nuclear accident that affected thousands of people, helped the world realized the need for more safety protocols in nuclear power plants (text)
  • Biosphere 2

    An experiment to see if life could be studied in enclosed spaces and to see if life on other planets could be possible in this way, ended up failing (video in class)
  • Rio Earth Summit

    An important international conference that focused on the impact of human activity on the environment. Created Agenda 21 and the Kyoto Protocol (text)
  • Julia Butterfly

    Julia Butterfly was an environmental activist who climbed up and lived in a tree for 2 years she called Luna to say to the lumber company not to chop down this historic tree (Hoy)
  • Kyoto Protocol

    The Kyoto Protocol which was discussed at the Rio Earth Summit goes into effect. 174 countries signed to reduce carbon emissions by some 15% below expected emissions by 2008
  • An Inconvenient Truth

    Movie created by Al Gore, helped the world become more aware of global warming and how we can solve this issue with our current technology (text)