ESS - international agreement and commitments

  • First World Climate Conference

    Climate change is officially viewed as a consequential problem which required an international response when proof of rising carbon dioxide levels were published
  • First IPCC report

    In 1990, the first report by the IPCC was published which confirmed that climate change was indeed a real issue (backed up with scientific evidence) that required immediate attention
  • 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, Conference of Parties, Meeting of Parties

    In 2015, the UNFCCC took place in Paris, France. During the conference, 196 world leaders debated the Paris agreement which is a global agreement to decrease climate change. For the agreement to be effective it requires at least 55 countries responsible for 55 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions to agree on it. After much discussion, on April 22nd 2016 the treaty was signed by 174 countries and was enforced within their own legal systems
  • Youth Climate Summit

    The Youth Climate Summit is scheduled to take place on 21st September 2019. This conference will bring together the civil society leaders and the youth from across the world who will discuss how to tackle climate change. The conference si sad I’d to lead to “concrete initiates for action”.
  • 51st Session of the IPCC

    The 51st session of the Intergovernmental Planet on Climate Change is scheduled to take place between 20-23rd September 2019. The IPCC will release the Sixth Assessment Report and in addition will be publishing the Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 degree Celsius, Special Report on Climate Change and Land, and the Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate.
  • International Conference on Climate Change and the Role of Nuclear Power

    The International Atomic Energy Agency will summon the conference which is slated to take place in Vienna which will be attended by Member States, representatives of relevant low-carbon energy sectors, international organisations and other stakeholders to debate on the possible technical and scientific methods that can be used to tackle climate change.