Minimata Bay 1
1908: Chisso company opened. Chemical company for nitrogenous fertilizers.
1956 : Refrigerator, washing machine, television----> Chemical waste
1957: cause of Minamata disease: poisoning from methylmercury from food.
1962: Linked the chemical industry with methylmercury poisoning.
1968: Japan's GNP 2nd world, Chisso stopped dumping mercury into the bay. -
Start of DDT use
Rachel Carson warn the world about DDT effects
DDT and malarial mosquitoes
In 1970, the WHO (World Health Organization)
banned the use of DDT, a crystalline chemical compound that helps killing malarial mosquitoes. The ban was because DDT affects birds of prey in thinning their eggshells and reducing their population numbers. (p. 53) -
US ban of DDT
Montreal Protocol
Organized by the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP). Over 30 countries agree to cut CFC emissions by half by 2000. -
Minimata Bay 2
1997: Water in Minamata bay is clean
2002: 1st UNEP report:issues related to mercury
2009:legally binding document is deeded
2013: Minamata convention is established
2017: COP1(50+countries signed)
2018: COP2 waste, transport, labour, WHO etc (100+partners and 78 ratifiations) -
Kyoto protocol signed
The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which commits its Parties by setting internationally binding emission reduction targets. -
Millennium Development Goals established
MDGs was established in 2005 at the UN Summit in NY. A document with three chapters was published: Freedom from Want (this was the chapter that had the 8 MDGs), Freedom from Fear, Freedom to Live in Dignity (based on the four freedom’s identified by former US President Franklin Roosevelt) -
Implementation of the Kyoto protocol
17 Sustainable Development Goals
2015 UN Summit in NY redesigned the MDGs into the 17 SDGs, document published is called Agenda for Sustainable Development, target 2030 (document is sometimes referred to Agenda 2030) -
An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is the technical-administrative procedure that serves to identify, evaluate and describe the environmental impacts that a project will produce in an environment in case of being executed. It evcaluates the possible impacts on the habitat, species and ecosystems. This evaluation helps the team to dedice if the project can be done. Also alternatives designs and mitigation techniques can be determined.