World war II made way for ESP to start as a field that later on became a fundamental branch of language teaching -
Period: to
ESP course books
Some ESP coursebooks, such as the following, were edited: Ewer and Latorre’s A Course in Basic Scientific English (1969)
John Swales' Writing Scientific English (1971)
Martin Bates and Tony Dudley-Evans’s Nucleus (1976 – 80) -
Science and technology- precursor EST
John Lackstrom, Larry Selinker, and Louis P. Trimble start to dominate the EST area as researchers gaining influence (1972) -
The University of Washington school
"Grammar and Technical English” had a major impact for the field. -
ESP rhetorical theory foundation
In Trimble,Trimble & Drobnic: Robert Bley Vroman laid out the goals of ESP rhetorical theory through “correspondence of purpose with device”- However, his work did not involve efforts to interview students or disciplinary experts to verify their hypotheses. -
ESP bound to Swales
John Swales work “Aspects of Article Introductions” in the United Kingdom in 1981. Serving as basis for later studies on genre and establishing swales as a household name in the field. -
Tarone's "specialist informant" contribution
Probably the most famous of the studies in this period, which appeared in the first volume of what was then called The ESP Journal.
Opens the discussion on the Involvement of an expert as a “specialist informant” with whom Tarone and the other applied linguists tested their conclusions. -
Linguistic devices
Adams-Smith explored the problems that L2 speakers may have with distinguishing between objective statements of fact and author - marked observations in written texts -
Verb functions and rhethorical moves
Hanania and Akhtar’s study of the rhetorical functions of certain verb forms in biology, chemistry, and physics theses -
Student needs: analysis
Needs analysis appearance: Jacobson concentrated upon the strategic, rather than grammatical or discourse competence needs of students in a physics lab. 2 years later in Italy:Tarantino used a face to face questionnaire interview to measure the macro and micro level needs of 53 EST researchers and students. -
Rhetorical moves
Malcolm’s functional account of tense usage in the Journal of Pediatrics is another study on rethorical moves. However, in this year, Rounds worked on spoken English in her study of the rhetorical realizations of personal pronouns in a university mathematics classroom. -
Approaches in ESP methodology
Selinker manages to identify: “ consultations with subject-specialist informants” and “rhetorical/grammatical analyses” of specific types of texts, generally in science and technology disciplines.
This, in a more localized study. -
EST, computer inclusion
Swales' Episodes in ESP: At that time, the central focus of ESP research was English for science and technology (EST). The beginning of research involving computers, such as:
Murray’s (1988) longitudinal study of the “new medium of communication” in a business environment. -
Genre: a term
The term started to gain popularity and relevance to the field. Examples of works are:
Morrow's use of conjuncts in two genres: business news stories and academic journal articles: and Gunawardena's comparison of uses of the present perfect in the rhetorical divisions within biology and biochemistry research articles. -
Genre Analysis
Swales' work which caused the initiation of a research boom that has yet to reach new peaks in today's advanced world. -
The Journal of Second Language Writing (JSLW) was founded in 1991 by Ilona Leki and Tony Silva. -
as a response to the rapidly increasing number of articles in ESPJ and academic texts, students, and contexts, Liz Hamp-Lyons and Ken Hyland established the Journal of English for Academic Purposes (JEAP). -
Corpus methodology
Halleck and Connor: making use of the increasingly popular corpus methodologies, these researchers examined the rhetorical moves previously addressed and implemented within the field -
Towards recent years
Belcher and colleagues: set of New Directions in English for Specific Purposes Research Methods: A strong contextual approach (ethnography) with a critical focus, as figures as Starfield and Johns & Makalela discuss in their studies, both of which took place in South Africa.