IPA: Improvement Plan Addendum Information (IPA) Session Webinar
Program representatives from LEAs with a Preliminary Title III allocation participate in a webinar informational meeting to learn the purpose and requirements of ESEA Title III, Part A Improvement Plan Addendum. Interested LEAs must register online to participate: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/129430594. -
Consortium: Submission Deadline of Notice of Intent to Enter a Consortium
LEAs submit their respective Notice of Intent to Enter Consortium through con.app@dc.gov. -
Consortium: OSSE Notification
OSSE notifies all LEAs that submitted Notice of Intent to Enter Consortium of complete list of eligible LEAs that are interested to be a member of a consortium. -
IPA: Optional Technical Assistance
September 03-13, 2013
Per LEA Request
The LEA may request technical assistance in completing the IPA. -
IPA: Submission Deadline of IPA
The LEA submits a duly signed and fully approvable Improvement Addendum Plan to OSSE through con.app@dc.gov. -
TA Modules: Title III, Part A: Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient Students (GRANTS MANAGEMENT SESSION)
Program representatives from LEAs participate in a webinar informational meeting to discuss the purpose and accountability requirements of ESEA Title III, Part A. Interested parties must register online to participate: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/174025146. -
TA Modules: Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient Students (INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP TEAM SESSION)
School-based personnel participate in a webinar informational meeting to discuss the program elements and process of ESL, strategies for teaching ELs, and methods of assessing program and ELs success. Interested parties must register online to participate: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/123067266. -
Consortium: Consortia Mandatory Working Session
Participating LEAs attends a mandatory, in-person working session to select a Fiscal Agent and draft a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) amongst members and the Phase I of the grant application. -
TA Modules: Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient Students (PARENT, GUARDIAN, AND CBO SESSION)
This session is designed for English Language Learner (ELL) parents and community-based organization (CBO) representatives. Participants will discuss topics like ELL programs and services offered by schools , What to Expect from Your Child’s School, and available educational resources to support ELL. Interested parties must register online to participate: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/354799194. -
Consortium: Submission Deadline of MOU and Phase I Application
The Fiscal Agent submits duly signed and fully approvable MOU and Phase I grant application through con.app@dc.gov. -
Consortium: Optional Technical Assistance
November 04-08, 2013
The LEA Fiscal Agent may request technical assistance in completing Phase II of the grants application. -
Consortium: Submission Deadline of Phase II Application
The LEA Fiscal Agent submits a duly signed and fully approvable Phase II grant application. -
ICY: Significant Increase in Immigrant Children and Youth Enrollment (3114(d)) Grant Application Webinar
Program representatives from LEAs participate in a mandatory webinar informational meeting to learn the purpose and requirements of ESEA Title III, Part A Significant Increase in Immigrant Children and Youth Enrollment Grant Application. This subgrant is available to eligible LEAs that have a significant increase in the percentage or number of immigrant children and youth enrolled in the LEA. Interested LEAs must register online to participate: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/404890290. -
ICY: Submission Deadline of Notice of Intent to Apply
LEAs submit their respective Notice of Intent to Apply, along with a signed copy of Certification of Significant Increase in Immigrant Children and Youth Enrollment. -
ICY: OSSE Notification
OSSE notifies all LEAs that submitted Notice of Intent to Apply of complete list of pre-qualified applicants through con.app@dc.gov. -
ICY: Optional Technical Assistance
December 16-20, 2013
Per LEA Request
The LEA may request technical assistance in completing the 3114(d) grant application. -
ICY: Submission Deadline of 3114(d) Grant Application
The LEA submits a duly signed and fully approvable Improvement Addendum Plan to OSSE through con.app@dc.gov. -
TA Modules: (Repeat Session) ESEA Title III, Part A: Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient Students (GRANTS MANAGEMENT SESSION)
Program representatives from LEAs participate in a webinar informational meeting to discuss the purpose and accountability requirements of ESEA Title III, Part A. Interested parties must register online to participate: (Repeat Session) https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/200178954 -
TA Modules: (Repeat Session) Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient Students (INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP TEAM SESSION)
School-based personnel participate in a webinar informational meeting to discuss the program elements and process of ESL, strategies for teaching ELs, and methods of assessing program and ELs success. Interested parties must register online to participate: (Repeat Session) https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/414781002 -
TA Modules: (Repeat Session) Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient Students (PARENT, GUARDIAN, AND CBO SESSION)
This session is designed for English Language Learner (ELL) parents and community-based organization (CBO) representatives. Participants will discuss topics like ELL programs and services offered by schools , What to Expect from Your Child’s School, and available educational resources to support ELL. Interested parties must register online to participate: (Repeat Session) https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/788378610