ESE 601: Historical Timeline

  • Rowley v. The Board of Education of Hendrick Hudson School District

    Rowley v. The Board of Education of Hendrick Hudson School District
    •The court made a decision that required schools to provide free appropriate education to students along with individualized instruction with satisfactory support services.
    •Federal law requires schools to render support services to students with disabilities (Mead, J. F., & Paige, M. A. (2008).
  • Handicapped Children’s Protection Act signed

    Handicapped Children’s Protection Act signed
    •President Reagan signed the Handicapped Children’s Protection Act.
    •This law was to keep parents informed about their child’s individual educational learning plan.
    •It was a law that gave parents whose children had disabilities more power concerning the development of their Education Plan, or IEP.
    •The United States Congress passed an amendment to the EHA which explicitly overruled the Supreme Court's decision (By Mitchell, Yell L.; Espin, Christine A.)
  • The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

    The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
    •President W. Bush signed an education-reform into law.
    •Education for all students in the United States will be equal for all students.
    •No Child Left Behind requires that all states develop their own standards and testing system (Georgia Department of Education 2017).In the state of Georgia we have Georgia State Standards and our testing system is Georgia Milestones.