ESE 601 Historical Timeline Laquana Gunn Instructor: Elisabeth Kannenberg August 21, 2018
By quana969
Frederich L.v. Thomas (Philadelphia)
Facts of this case are that students have the right to receive an appropriate education that supports their needs within their learning environment. The class action suit confirmed the right of students with learning disabilities to have appropriate education programs by supporting the ruling, it benefits children by creating an experimental program in younger children that expand one grade upward each year using curriculum materials. -
Hendrick Hudson Board of Education v. Rowley, 458 U.S. 176
Facts of this case are that a public school in New York refused to provide a deaf student with a sign language interpreter because of her academic progress. The Supreme Court, in this case, set the standard for what is "Free Appropriate Public Education." The court ruling provides children with disabilities an opportunity to receive an education at a level equal to their peers. -
Honig v. Doe
Facts of this case are that a student with an IEP had been threatened with expulsion sue the school for violating the stay put clause. The "stay-put" clause states that if a school wishes to take disciplinary action against a student with disabilities, the school cannot remove the student from the program set in that student's IEP until a new plan has been agreed by the parents.