Baby Erin
I was born in Torrance, CA to Bob and Sue Galaway. I was a laid back baby and had curly hair. I always had fun with my family and had a big smile on my face! -
Being A Big Sister
I became a big sister when my brother Drew was born. We are both 15 months apart and really close to this day. -
Diagnosed With Autism
I was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at the age of three years old. I didn't let it stop me to accomplish anything that I wanted to do. -
Starting Preschool
I started preschool with other kids to be socialized and also some had special needs just like me, which made me feel included! -
Being A Big Sister AGAIN
My little sister Michelle came into the world and now I am blessed with two younger siblings! We are 5 years apart and she's studying to become a nurse this year! -
Kindergaten!!!! 1999-2000
This is me in Kindergarten at a different school in LA! I was placed in special education and I had to repeat kindergarten since I wasn't ready to enter first grade -
First Grade!! 2000-2001
This is me in first grade! I was in special education classroom for that year! I had a great teacher and she was very nice! -
Second Grade!!!! 2001-2002
In second grade, I had a mean teacher and was teased because I was different. I was in a regular classroom, but still went to speech therapy. Second grade was not my favorite grade, but at least it wasn't as bad as I thought it was. I had a TA come into my class and I thought it was cool! -
Moving to San Diego, CA/ Starting Third Grade!!!! 2002-2003
I live in Torrance,CA since I was born, but my dad got a better job in San Diego so we moved before I started third grade. I was basically the new kid and made some friends during that year. I had a wonderful teacher that year and great resource teachers that made it my favorite year. I felt like a normal kid -
Fourth Grade!!! 2003-2004
It's been a year since I came to San Diego and I started fourth grade. Fourth grade was a rough one for me. I had a not so very nice teacher and I was getting picked on a lot. I started my love for reading especially Garfield books, but I will always love reading books. -
Fifth Grade!!! 2004-2005
My last year in elementary school was coming to an end and I was moving on to middle school! I was into doing spelling and science, but not math which to this day I still don't like math. I was still in special ed and in the resource program, but I was just like any other regular kid! -
Freshman Year!! 2008-2009
I started my freshman year of high school! Freshman year was a pretty good year for me. I had a mix of regular and special ed classes so I felt like a normal teenager. I had a little bit of teasing and gossip about me, but it was all soon forgotten when friends that I knew stood up for me. -
ColorGuard Years!! 2009-2012
I was in this really cool thing called Colorguard! Colorguard is all about flag twirling, rifle, and sabre tossing. This is where I really shined in my high school years. I picked up choreography very quickly and I worked really hard. Some people thought I was really good while others wanted to hold me back, but I ended up being on both rifle and sabre lines by the end of my senior year! -
Graduating From High School! Class of 2012
I graduated from high school in 2012 and I was ready to move on to college! I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, so I decided on child development and see where it took me! -
Starting at EPCC 2013-2016
So I did my first year of college in San Diego, but I decided to move to El Paso in the summer of 2013. I went EPCC for a few years. At first I wasn't sure what to go into until I took EDUC 1301 my first semester here and loved it so now I'm studying to become a teacher and stuck with it ever since. -
Grandpa Passing Away
My beloved grandfather on my mom's side passed away. This was a tough thing that i have ever faced in my life. My grandpa was very special to me becuase he taught me to not give up and to keep striving to do great. I know he's looking down at me and he is proud of what I have accomplished over the last few years. I love you Grandpa!!! -
Moving to El Paso, TX
Moving to El Paso, Tx was the biggest decision I have ever made. My parents got divorced when I was 19 and I decided to go live with my dad when I was 20. When I first got there, I was pretty shocked because we were so close to border of Mexico and I was also thinking would I ever belong here. 4 almost 5 40years later, El Paso became my home, but I'll always be a California girl by heart! -
Getting Baptized!
My walk with Christ is a crazy ride. Growing up, I would go to church when I was little and then we just stopped going when we moved to San Diego. I decided to go back at 17 and thought it was all good until I backslid when I moved to El Paso. I got saved in September of 2015 and now I was baptized in 2016. Best decision I have ever made! -
Graduating from EPCC
Graduating from EPCC was a great accomplishment for me. This milestone made me look back on how far I have come from when I moved in 2013 to now in 2016. I was very happy, but I also cried because of how proud I was of myself and how proud I made my family and close friends. -
Starting UTEP
I started my first day at UTEP at the Spring of 2017! At first, I was really nervous about going there because of the new change, new people, professors, etc. I was used to my friends at EPCC and now I made some new ones. I'm very excited to see where my UTEP adventure was going to take me and my road to becoming a teacher.