Eriksons timeline

  • Emily in the Snow

    Emily in the Snow
    A) Emily had played in the snow and then came inside the house tracking snow everywhere and making the floor wet. She felt guilty so she helped her mom clean it up.
    B) Erikson's third stage of Initiative vs. Guilt,
    C) the crisis is between making a strong confident decision(initiative) and having doubt and guilt about a decision (guilt)
  • Emily gets a boyfriend

    Emily gets a boyfriend
    A) Emily falls in love with a boy and they end up moving into gather because of their closeness and trust.
    B) In Erikson's sixth stage Intimacy vs. Isolation,
    C) the crisis is between being in a committed relationship that shares love(intimacy) or staying secluded and alone while not reaching out to other people for connection(isolation)
  • Helping

    A) Emily helps an organization give out food and supplies to those who need it for Thanksgiving.
    B) Erikson's seventh stage of Generativity vs. Stagnation
    C) the crisis between helping others out with no expectation of reward(generatively) and not helping out society by just thinking of ones self(stagnation)