Eriksons Timeline

  • Trust vs. Mistrust

    Trust vs. Mistrust
    This stage successfully relies on trust, dependability, consistency, reliability and the ultimately the virtue of hope. When it came to my needs growing up, I always felt I could depend on my parents for my consistent, predictable, and reliable needs that Erikson discusses. Fortunately my mother was there every step of the way to give me those needs.
  • Autonomy Vs. Shame and Doubt

    Autonomy Vs. Shame and Doubt
    Between the ages of 18 months and three, children begin to assert their independence, by walking away from their mother, picking which toy to play with, and making choices about what they like to wear, to eat, etc. This was my favorite and my most effective stage because it has led to me my person I am today. My parents let me be as independent as possible but still holding me close. With this I have been been proud to be an independent young adult.
  • Initiative Vs. Guilt

    Initiative Vs. Guilt
    Children begin to plan activities, make up games, and initiate activities with others. If given this opportunity, children develop a sense of initiative, and feel secure in their ability to lead others and make decisions. Growing up I was never really shy, and my independence was built strong, so I never really had a problem initiating anything. I do recall my mother telling me not to be so bossy at times. When she would tell me to relax, I usually listened and would back off.
  • Industry vs. Inferiority

    For the fourth stage Industry vs. Inferiority, I found that overall I feel a sense of Industry or competence but in certain instances I feel inferior. I would say my parents did a fine job trying to make sure my self-esteem was high and I always had their approval. I do recall as a child feeling inferior in terms of learning math but I felt that it just didn’t click for me. By not demonstrating those “specific competencies,” I felt that in terms of the math world I was inferior.
  • Identity Vs Role Confusion

    Identity Vs Role Confusion
    The fifth stage of Identity vs. Role Confusion, is more of a difficult stage to pinpoint. This stage mostly reminded me of being in middle school and being completely confused on who I was. Yes, I knew who I was and my beliefs, but I questioned a lot on where I belonged in society. I also remember going into high school not knowing anyone at all questioning where I would belong. Eventually I got accustomed and realized that I was liked and I fit just right in
  • Intimacy Vs. Isolation

    And finally the last stage up to my age, Intimacy vs. Isolation. This stage, I was able to explore relationships and be open to a relationship and intimacy. I have been committed to someone for a few years and I found great success. Through my ups and downs my success has been finding “the virtue of love.” My virtue of love is something that is very near and dear to my heart that I wish everyone has the chance to feel.
  • Gernerativity Vs. Stagnation

    Gernerativity Vs. Stagnation
    This point where you establish a career and settle down. Success in this stage would be starting a family, being productive, and being involved in community activities. I want to settle down, have kids, and be involved in as much as possible. That’s how my mother was with us, but she had a full time job so she did her best. She is the most caring person I know and always puts others before herself. I hope when I get to this stage I will succeed and be just like my Mom.
  • Integrity Vs. Despair

    Integrity Vs. Despair
    The Ego Integrity vs. Despair is something that I truly hope I never fail in. The last thing I would want besides being old is to be hopeless living with depression. I would love to “contemplate my accomplishments and develop integrity to a successful life. I would for my grandkids to see me as the wise Grandma and ask me about my past experiences.