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Erikson Timeline Naruto

By sthomps
  • Period: to

    Naruto's Life from Rebellious Child to Highly Respect Leader of his Village

    Naruto is a fictional character who goes through a journey from being an orphan disliked by his entire village to the leader of his village and is respected and loved by everyone.
  • Naruto Makes Friends: Industry vs. Inferiority

    Naruto Makes Friends: Industry vs. Inferiority
    Naruto (12) has a magical beast sealed inside his body, which causes the rest of the village to view him as a disgrace for being associated to the pain caused by the beast. Naruto makes friends when his classmates recognize his determination to becoming a better person and someone who never leaves a comrade behind. In the 4th stage, industry vs. inferiority, the crisis is between feeling the need to win approval by demonstrating specific competencies that are valued by society.
  • Naruto Leaves Home to Train with his Master in his Trade: Identity vs. Role Confusion

    Naruto Leaves Home to Train with his Master in his Trade: Identity vs. Role Confusion
    Naruto (15) decides to leave his village for 2 years in order to pursue further training with his mentor who is a master in the field that Naruto plans to work in for the rest of his adult life. In the 5th stage, identity vs. role confusion, children become more independent and begin to look at the future in terms of career goals. Part of Naruto's journey outside of the village to complete ninja training with Master Jiraiya is to find out his personal identity through exploration.
  • Naruto and Hinata's Romantic Relationship: Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Naruto and Hinata's Romantic Relationship: Intimacy vs. Isolation
    Hinata (18) has had romantic feelings for Naruto since they were little kids, but Naruto was too stupid to realize it. There were a few moments in their friendship where Hinata confessed her love to Naruto, but he did not recognize it until much later on when he matured more. Naruto finally reciprocates Hinata's love for him and they end up having a child together and getting married. In the 6th stage, intimacy vs. isolation, the conflict is about forming intimate/loving relationships.