Erikson Timeline Kate Robertson

  • Kate Industry vs. Inferiority

    Kate Industry vs. Inferiority
    In middle school, for my art class I was heavily praised on an assignment that I completed and my teacher entered it into the school art show. The crisis involved my quality of work making me develop a feel of industry and when I didn't meet the same standard a sense of inferiority.
  • Kate Identity vs. Confusion

    Kate Identity vs. Confusion
    During the time of high school there is the broad question of who am I? A specific time during church they were proclaiming that you have to choose the relationship with God for yourself. At this moment I was struggling to find my religious identity, social identity, and what my plans were for the future. There are times where outside sources, like your friends and family, try to pressure you on what to wear, what to think, and your future decisions. This is the crisis of identity vs. confusion.
  • Kate Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Kate Intimacy vs. Isolation
    The crisis of intimacy vs. isolation is really the idea of choosing to be in a relationship or to stay by yourself. In my personal life I was in a committed relationship, but I was also moving 50 hours away from that person to a new school. I was struggling with the idea to stay with this person (intimacy) or to focus all my energy on myself and the drastic changes my life would go through (isolation).