
Erikson Timeline

  • trust vs mistrust

    trust vs mistrust
    A sense of stability in my childhood allowed me to develop a high degree of trust during my childhood. Perhaps this is because I learned to walk at a much later age and was held frequently, which instilled a sense of security and care. Through not having any trust issues, I developed trust in others and my environment by allowing them to hold me without crying.
    In Erickson's first stage of trust vs mistrust, infants learn to feel secure with a caregiver. if not they mistrust and fear.
  • autonomy vs.shame/doubt

    autonomy vs.shame/doubt
    From ages 1-3 I liked to play with cameras every so often in my household. I always felt successful when I heard the click of the nose and took a photo independently.
    If this second stage of development is not realized, the child will have troubles and doubts making decisions and actions when exploring their world.
  • Integrity vs despair

    Integrity vs despair
    During Erikson's last stage 65+, most people reflect on their lives and either feel content or a sense of failure. Individuals who are proud of their successes possess greater integrity and fewer regrets. Those who don't suffer from depression and despair towards the end of their life. When I am older I intend to reflect on my life and accomplishments. If I continue to make good decisions and do good deeds, I'll be proud of who I am as a person.